Chapter 62

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Golden sunshine showered down on her beautifully, bathing into her pale skin that appeared angelic from under the natural light

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Golden sunshine showered down on her beautifully, bathing into her pale skin that appeared angelic from under the natural light. She strung along the bustling streets that were packed with people, sucking in a long breath every time a person invaded her personal space. Best way to get over a break up? Keep yourself occupied. And that's exactly what Bae Daeun was doing, keeping herself busy.

Her body swayed side to side soundlessly along with the books secured in her arms, her small frame getting lost in the sea of endless bodies. A slight smile formed on her lips as she caught sight of the place she was going to, the library.

She walked towards it, her feet pattering against the concrete ground at a steady rate as she entered it, immediately being met with an echoing silence. As she walked towards the study wing she noticed the two librarians from her last trip, they stared down at the floor as they were being scolded by an older colleague, a woman who was in her 50s, her face contorted into disgust as she scowled at them, her thin glasses hanging off the bridge of her narrow nose.

As she trudged past the desk, she caught a glimpse of the employee sign, still requesting for new workers.

And suddenly, a light bulb switched on in her head.

New best way to get over a boy who broke your heart? Get a job. It's the start of the Easter holidays, she shouldn't be too worried about school and just do what her heart desires.

Without hesitating, she strode over to the desk, a bright smile grazing her plump lips as the two librarians look up, meeting her jovial demeanour. Their colleague walked away when Daeun halted at the desk, throwing her a small smile. Hey eyes quickly scanned their names. Somi and Daehwi.

"Hi I just wanted to know, are the openings still… well open?" Daeun asked sheepishly and immediately Somi squinted her eyes at her.

"You've come before right? Asking for the opening?"

"She has?" Daehwi questioned, him too narrowing his eyes at Daeun who stiffened under their inspecting scrutinisation, the tip of her ears tinting a faded red hue.

Somi gasped, leaning down and looking for something under the desk. "Ah yes I remember you! How are you? Did your exams start yet?"

Daehwi remained confused as he leaned into the chair, eyeing Daeun curiously. Daeun relaxed at the female's amiable time and outgoing personality, shaking her head.

"It's starting in a month, after the holidays."

Daehwi gawked at her, turning to Somi who only hummed as she slipped though different papers. "Don't give it to her! She has exams let her focus on that instead!"

Somi yelped at his dolphin-like screaming that rang in her ears, her head instantly slamming upwards into the hardwood and Daeun hissed, dropping her books as she leaned over to check on the sulking girl. "Are you okay?!"

"Yes I'm fine!" Somi huffed, rubbing her head as she shot the boy an icy glare. Daehwi only chuckled, nervousness filtered through it, he pushed himself back onto the chair.


"You better be, freaking bastard."

"You know what?! I take that back! I'm not sorry and I hope you get brain damage." He forcefully smiled, earning a bitter chuckle from Somi.

"Ever since we've became friends I've got brain damage."

"Bold of you to assume we're friends."

"Erm… excuse me?"

Daeun hesitantly interrupted, scanning the two that held each other tightly by their collars, glaring into each other's eyes as if they were ready to kill each other right then. At her gentle voice, they looked at her almost instantly, their faces softening at her shyness.

Somi was the first to pull away, clearing her throat as she picked up two sheets of paper. "Don't worry, he's always like that." She scrunched up her nose in disgust and Daehwi's jaw dropped in pure shock.

"Always like what?!"

"An immensely annoying and short idio-"

"You both are so cute." Daeun blurted out accidentally, covering her mouth instantly. Daehwi gagged at the confession while Somi only cooed at her cuteness.

"What's your name?"

"Bae Daeun." She answered with a smile and Somi only squealed, ready to grab the girl's rosy cheeks.

"Somi you're acting like a fucking creep."

Daehwi deadpanned causing the girl to scoff, and within moments her fist rams harshly into his shoulder. A pained yell escapes his lips as he immediately shuffles away, helplessly leaning into his stomach, his hand clutched around his shoulder that throbbed in pain. Daeun watched wide-eyed and tight-lipped, too startled to even say anything.

"So," Somi cleared her throat, her fingers lightly brushing over her red knuckles, she flashed the stunned girl another one of her bright smiles. "Would you like to sign up?"

Daeun exchanged glances between the unique outgoing girl and the boy who was always seemingly annoyed with her. What an odd pair of friends.

"Yes please."

skl has officially started inthe uk smh

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skl has officially started in
the uk smh

i hate bojo 👹


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