Chapter 115

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" you're in the first sentence
of this non-stopping page,
my brightest dream "

━━ nct dream, rainbow

"Tonight will definitely be a night to remember."

Daeun yawned in complete exhaust after hours of moving around to different rides/stations, now trailing behind happy Seonghwa with countless things held captive in her arms. Like the long stuffed giraffe she won at one of those stands, the one where you have to shoot rubber bullets at the plastics cup. Seonghwa was bad at it, so bad that he almost hit the stand owner with one of those rubber bullets. He sheepishly laughed it off while the owner glared at him and snatched the plastic gun from him.

Seonghwa was never one with control anyway, not in his life. He preferred the reckless and imprecise route. Whereas she, she effortlessly managed to knock down all the cups, like a "cute badass" Seonghwa quoted.

"You know I still can't believe you almost managed to kill someone with bullets." Seonghwa quickly whips around to her, a hiss escaping his lips before an expression of embarrassment overcomes his desperation- the sceptical looks strangers quieting him.

"Correction: rubber bullets." She adds in straight-faced, ignoring his glare as she weaves past him, yawning once more. "Can we go home now?"

"Wait just… one more ride?"

"It's almost 9pm future CEO Park and to be honest, I'm exhausted and desire to be in my bed, right about now." Daeun flashed him a brief smile before continuing her way down to the car park, blanking his hesitant gestures to the 'last ride'. He's been saying "this will be our last one I promise" , "no wait this will be our last ride I swear" multiple times now. For at least an hour- she refuses to believe him anymore.

And now, after the cool, summer night had settled in along with the awakening of the bright, colourful lights of the park, he still wants to go on more rides.

"Wait Bae I swear, just this last time!" Seonghwa begged as he caught up to her, hand grasping onto her upper arm, forcing her to halt. She reluctantly tones down her glare. "I'll buy you Uncle Sohn's ice cream if you do." He adds as a gift, warming her further towards his deal.

Daeun narrows her sceptical eyes at him. "The one with three scoops, a milk chocolate flake and a waffle cone?"

Seonghwa mimics her expression, leaning in closer to her face with his grip still tight around her arm. The one word she wishes to hear slips out of his lips as a whisper, bringing a victorious smirk to her lips. "Deal."

Without a second to waste, he quickly scurried to the side of the fair- dragging the rejoiced girl with him. It's as if she had just won the olympics or something.

Daeun didn't bother asking which ride he so desperate to get on, her heart empty of fear. After the first roller coaster she feels she can survive anything now.

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