1. The Burrow

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Fred woke up to the sun shinning in his face, scrunching up his nose. Looking at George's empty bed beside his, he couldn't help but wonder what time was. His mouth tasted of Firewhiskey and the pounding in his head a reminder of the night before. 

He slowly made his way downstairs. 

"Fred Weasley!" Molly's voice rung through his ears. "Do you think it is okay to wake up at one in the afternoon! And reeking of firewhiskey! Go take a shower for Merlin's sake!" 

His eyes slowly tracing the place before landing on his twin brother and their best friend trying hard not to laugh. His face softened at the sight of her. Bee Black. Daughter of Sirius Black, and their absolute best friend (just don't tell Lee that part). Much shorter than the twins, and dark blonde hair and green eyes. Fred had been head over heels for her ever since they met. It was first year and she was alone reading in the Gryffindor common room, so they decided she was going to be their best friend. The rest is... well history. 

"Yes mum" he whispered, winking at a blushing Bee. 

As he went upstairs, George was smirking at her. 

"What was that?"

"What was what?" 

"Oh come on, I'm not blind. You are blushing."

"You are seeing things Georgie, I'm not blushing. Why would I anyways?"

"'Cause you like him, duh"

"Blimey George! Again?! Fred and I are just friends"

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night"

A newly showered Fred made his way downstairs, kissing his mother's cheek and then Bee's. Ron and Ginny were nowhere to be seen, Bill and Charlie were doing some work outside and Percy was over in the couch reading. 

"Bee dear, your father will be coming for a few days later today, did he owl you?"

The girl shook her head. 

"Damn it!" 

"Language mum" Said Bill through the open window.

"Sorry, sorry. Sirius must have forgotten. I hope."

"Molly it's fine really. You know dad. Plus 12 years in Azkaban is a lot, the man is still getting used to the world now."

"Right. Well you three should go down by the lake later today. The day is lovely!"
"Can we take dad's Muggle record player with us, please?" asked George. 

The boy was obsessed with music ever since Arthur had brought a guitar home a few years back. Fred on the other hand was a lot more interested in drawing. He had never shown anyone his drawings though. Deep down he feared they weren't good enough, but he wasn't going to let anyone doubt his confidence. So he just kept them to himself. 

The three of them ran upstairs to their rooms. Bee changed into a red swimsuit and grabbed her heart-shapped sunglasses. She threw a white shirt (a few sizes bigger than her own) on her body as she too was a little self-conscious about her looks. It had not always been like that, but Adrian Pucey's made it his personal mission back at Hogwarts to made her feel that way, and he made it clear he would not stop any time soon. 

Bee left the room, sunglasses on and waited for the twins to go downstairs. 

"How is it I'm always the first one to get changed"

"Because there's two of us."

"Doesn't work like that, Freddie."

The three of them made their way outside, hearing a whistle come from Charlie. 

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