12. The detention and the howler

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Professor McGonagall had been rather nice with her punishment. All they had to do is stay in her class until midnight and read or just pass the time. On that particular Wednesday night, McGonagall decided to the leave them alone in said class, as she had matters of her own to attend. 

"So..." she said playing with a letter in her hands. "George told my dad. I got a letter from him this morning. Do you reckon he told your mum?"

"Probably... But he did it for the greater good."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Have you gotten any more nightmares?"

"They only stop when I sleep with you. I think you give me comfort." she blushed.

"Well that's very nice to hear, but I can't sleep always by your side. The portrait will snitch on us."

"Ugh tell me about it! Oh the pranks we could have gotten away with if she had only kept her mouth shut... A shame, really."

Fred smiled at her. 

"Hey I've been meaning to ask, will you help Georgie and I with a potion to enter the tournament? Lee told me you have to be at least 17 to enter."

"Hell no Fred, I'm not putting you and George in danger for a stupid tournament."

"But we could really use the money! For the shop!"

"Fred you can get the money elsewhere. Please don't put yourself in danger. Not with this. People have died!"

"Love, look at me." He sat beside her. "I promise you I'll be careful, I'll study and I won't get hurt." he gave her puppy eyes. 

"Ugh fine! You know I'm convinced you could get me to kill someone with those puppy eyes. Stop it!"

"Will they..." he smirked. "Will they convince you to give me a kiss?"
"Hm" she said pretending as she was thinking, "I don't think so, no. You'll have to convince me otherwise."

Fred put his hand on her cheek and as their lips were to make contact, he pulled away. 

"I thought I had to convince you?" he smirked. 

"Oh sod off Weasley!" she said acting as if she were mad. "Two can play at this game. In fact, I'm going to sit very very far away from you. In that corner."

Fred got the camera and started recording. 

"So, this lady has just decided to keep distance. Do you mind telling the audience what happened?"

"Oh sure. Hi everyone. Frederick Gideon Weasley here refused to kiss me, so now I'll just stay away." 

"Stop being so petty, Black" he said stopping the recording and laughing. 


Soon enough it was time to go back to the dorms, both tired and Bee still keeping herself away from him. She did however let him kiss her cheek goodnight. 

The next morning Bee found herself going with Angelina to the Great Hall for breakfast, Angelina asking her if George had a date for the ball. Of course he didn't, as he wanted to ask Angie to be his dance partner. Bee was going to sit down on her usual spot next to Fred, but an idea popped into her head. 

"Lee, do you mind switching seats with me?"

Lee looked at her with wide eyes, but upon seeing her smirk he just decided to go with it. 

"Sure thing my dear Bee. Rather nice morning we are having, isn't it?"

"Really?" Fred said as Lee was now beside him. 

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