56. Powers

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Dear B

Sorry I haven't written much, there have been several attacks. The Weasleys, and you bunch are safe, so don't move. I repeat, DO. NOT. MOVE. They got Severus. We don't know if he's alive or not, but he most likely isn't. Sorry I have to tell you over a letter. 

We are all okay. I promise. Don't reply to this, I don't want to take any more risks. We think Death Eaters have infiltrated the Ministry too. 

I love you, I miss you. I'm proud of you. 

Uncle Moony. 

"What happened?" asked Narcissa looking up from her book. 

"They got Severus and they made their way into the Ministry. They won't find Harry because he's 17 and the trace is gone, same with me. Still, this is scary." Bee said, still scanning the letter. 

"Is he...?" 

"They don't know, he most likely is." 

"Who is what?" asked Lee as the 4 boys entered the home. 

"Guys, sit down. This is serious" said Bee motioning for them to sit down on the sofas.

Fred had never seen her this concerned, not even when Harry was a champion. He knew his wife well enough to know something big was upon them, and he felt bad Bee had to be the one receiving the news and doing so alone. Draco was visibly tense at whatever she had to say.

"The situation back home is far worse than what we thought" she started, looking at Fred for comfort. "Although we don't know about Harry, Ron and Mione, Moony told me we are all safe, Bill and Fleur, Ginny back at Hogwarts, Charlie and your parents and us. However... Death Eaters have infiltrated the Ministry, trying to find Harry and me, I'm guessing. Also guys I'm so sorry... They got Snape. We don't know if he is alive or not, but he most likely isn't." she finished. 

Draco went into his mother's arm for comfort. George held Lee as the man cried, and Fred simply stood up as everyone watched him. He walked over to their bedroom, slamming the door in the process. 

"I'll go talk to him" said Bee standing up and following Fred's steps. 

As Bee entered the door, she watched Fred with caution. The boy looked upset, and his hands were tugging on his hair, and bouncing his leg really fast. She made her way there, kneeling in front of him and softly taking his hands out of his hair. Fred still wouldn't look up to her.

"Talk to me, Freddie" she said softly. "What's wrong? Can I help you?"

Fred remained silent, so she did what she knew she had to. She muttered a couple spells so the door couldn't be opened and the lot couldn't hear them. She laid Fred on their bed, changed him into his pjs, changed herself and cuddled the boy. 

"It's okay if you don't want to speak now. We can cuddle for as long as you like, I'm here for you." she whispered kissing his forehead. 

Fred seemed to melt into her touch, finally looking at his wife locking eyes with her. He looked down again, burying his face onto her chest.

"I just feel guilty" said Fred in a really soft voice. 

"Why's that darling?" Bee asked stroking his hair softly. 

"We are living in a beautiful place, we go to the beach, we go with life normally. I feel like we are in a vacation and not hiding. I feel guilty when things for Gin and Ron are so shitty while we are here enjoying the sun." Fred said not daring to look up. "And I'm scared for you Bee. You are more powerful than ever, and I just. I know they know. I vowed to protect you and I'm not sure I can do that. I'm not sure I can protect any of us." 

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