112. Sirius Gideon Weasley

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Fred and Bee Weasley were waiting for Bellatrix to go out for dinner so they could rescue Sirius. The first flaw in the plan, however, happened when Bellatrix took Sirius to dinner with her. Sirius locked eyes with Fred and the former signaled Sirius to stay quiet. The kid looked giddy, excited to see his parents after such a long time. He had not forgotten about them. 

Bellatrix going for dinner bought them at least half an hour, maybe more if they were lucky. They had the room next to the one Bellatrix was staying at, so that they could hear what was going on inside and run if they heard an unforgivable. 

"How do we get in?"Asked Bee, eyeing the door. "Knowing her she has put spells in the door." 

"We have to sneak in somehow, but this woman has more tricks than an octopuss in a boxing match." 

"Fred you absolute genius! I know what we are doing, come on!" 

Bee entered their room and peered out of the window under Fred's worrying eyes. He heard a faint Alohomora, and she turned around. 

"You see, she might be clever but! I almost got sorted into Ravenclaw. She didn't put the spells in the window, she thought we wouldn't get there." 

"Still, it's too thin to walk in and to far tto just jump. We're still at 0." 

"Wrong, my love. Freddie you forgot we can turn into our Animagus form, and you make a lovely ginger cat thin enough to climb to the other window. Just stay there, Sirius will want to keep you, and when Bellatrix turns around put the spells out, turn back to your human form and let me in." 

"And then?" 

"That we have to figure out in there. She is unpredictable, we need to act according to her madness."  

"And you are sure about this?" 

"As I'll ever be." 

Fred didn't doubt his wife for a second. He turned into the small ginger cat and waited for his son and Bellatrix to come back. The two stared at the cat in wonder, Bellatrix not thinking much of it, while Sirius recognized him as soon as hi saw his father. He waddled to the animal, hugging it tight. 

"Dada!" Squealed Sirius. 

"Yes, it is the exact shitty carrot shade as your father's hair." Bellatrix said uninterested. 


Sirius put his best puppy eyes, and Fred did the same and Bellatrix took pitty on the two of them, Bellatrix just dismissed the trow and left for the loo. If there was something baby Sirius had learnt, was how to manipulate people. Sad, but extremely useful at the moment. Fred used a nonverbal spell and now a simple Alohomora would open the door. 

"You're dada" Sirius smiled as the cat nodded. "I love you dada!" 

Fred almost teared up, the kid had his mother's heart. He hadn't seen him in months and the first thing he said was that he loved him. He loved the kid so much, his kid. His son, finally back with them. Fred turned to his human form and silently opened the door, letting the girl in. They hugged, and then came flaw number 2.

"Mama! I miss you mama!" Sirius shouted running to his mother arms. 

"Oh my sweet boy, mum and dad are here, you are safe." She squeezed him until they were interrupted by a voice. 

"So you thought you were going go outsmart me?" 

"Let them go, Bellatrix, this is between you and me, not them." 

"Silly stupid girl! If I let them go, you are not coming out of this room."

"Freddie, take Sirius and go. Now."

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