44. Grand Opening

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Charlie had taken Bee on a little stroll through muggle London, just so Fred could do what he had planned. Bee decided that as much as she loved Fred's name for the cafe, she wanted to change it to The Orion Café, in memory of her late father. Fred and her had a pact, in which everytime he needed to let steam out he could come and draw on the walls of the café. That way, it didn't really surprise Bee when she saw Fred working on the wall as her and Charlie left. 

Fred had found a picture of Bee and Sirius when she was two, her hair in pigtails as she kissed his cheek, her little hands pressed on the other one to bring him closer. So he decided to sketch it in the wall, so Sirius could somehow look after Bee and the café. George thought it was a great idea too so Fred had started to sketch it very early in the morning, thinking he had to be fast as the café was opening that same afternoon. 

Charlie had taken Bee to buy a cute outfit for the opening saying that now that she was almost legally family, he wanted to treat his new sister, as if he didn't do that anyways. It was also his way of showing her he was there for her, knowing the last few weeks had been an absolute hell from what Freddie had told him. First they went to buy a skirt, as she was set to wear one. She settled for a lilac skirt that went until the middle of her thighs, pretty flowy too. 

"So, should a go for a shirt, or what?" Bee asked looking at herself in the mirror. 

"Let me go look for something, I think you'll like what I'm thinking" said Charlie leaving her to roam the store in search for some shoes. 

She found a pair of black heels that looked just like the ones she wore to the Yule Ball, and knew she was taking those. Charlie came back with a white shirt, but in the collar it had to pieces of fabric, in order to be tied like a bow. She wasn't sure, but as soon as she saw it with the skirt and the heels she was settled. She left the store in her new outfit, Charlie reasoning that he was paying so she had to do so. After that he took her to have her nails and her done, and he did too. She had her nails painted the same lilac as her skirt, and Charlie got them a deep cherry red, the boy fascinated with how they looked. 

"You know, when you come back from Romania I can do your nails for you. I do Fred's sometimes."

"Will you paint them for the wedding?" Charlie asked her.

"Well of course bubs! Just ask me then and I'll gladly do so" she smiled. 

For the hair, she had it loosely curled, and Charlie decided to just have it washed, loving the feeling of getting his hair washed by a professional. They sat in a little pub for lunch, Charlie convincing her to eat a little more each time until she was done. 

"So, desert?" she asked laughing.

"I'm thinking lemon mousse?" 

"Oh my god! Yes please! Do you want it to be free?"

"How on Earth are you going to do that?"

"Give me the ring under the table."


"Trust me! And don't let them see you."

She slid the ring off her finger and handed it to him from under the table. Charlie suddenly got up grabbing the attention of the whole bar as Bee realised what was going on. As his brother in law sunk to one knee and pulled the ring out of his pocket. Charlie made a really innocent speech as she saw a few people tear up, barely being able not to laugh in front of everyone. As they hugged, the owner congratulated them and told them their meal was for free because oh how he loved young love. As soon as they were out of the pub they started laughing. 

"Wait until Fred knows about this, he is going to kill you" she said still laughing. 

"Oh no, the little shit will use this absolute magical trick to get free food in places" Charlie said as they made their way back to Diagon Alley. 

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