67. Lost

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A few  moments earlier... 

Harry and Bee were walking hand in hand deep into the forest. So deep they in fact couldn't hear what was going on inside Hogwarts anymore. Harry was shaking and shaken at the fact that his sister didn't seem bothered at all. 

"Harry I know what you are thinking, but trust me with this one."

"You are talking about it like it's a prank and we are about to fight the fucking Dark Lord!" 

"I know, but they way we're doing this we've won already. Trust me." 

"Brilliant, just, brilliant" he said sarcastically. 

"When I say now, you have to shot the killing curse on him."

"What? We could both die you know that right? The three of us, actually." 

"Please, bean. No one is going to die!"

"Do you promise?" 

"I promise! Now come on, we've got a shithead to destroy." 

They kept walking until they were face to face with the Dark Lord himself. The thing wore a smirk, almost as if he thought he had already won the battle only by having them show up. 

"Ah, The Boy Who Lived and The Flower of Life. One bound to die, the other bound to be my servant. I think it's best we do this the easy way. Girl, you simply agree to become my servant, boy I kill you. Or we can duel a little, and they I'll kill you both." 

Bee stared at a point behind Voldemort, squinting her eyes before replying. 

"Okay, I will work for you." she said simply, Harry gasping behind. 

"What?" he said, almost crying. 

"Ah yes, now the moment I've been waiting for for years. Watch while I kill your brother." 

But, before anything could hit Harry, Bee had jumped in front of the spell, letting out a screaming NOW for Harry to shot the second spell and of course out of the worst pain she had ever felt before. A big rock had fallen out of nowhere leaving Voldemort under a rock too big for him to move, thus leaving the man unconscious and leaving Harry more than enough time to collect himself and kill Voldemort. 

As soon as the man began to retreat into a smaller fetal form of himself, Harry ran to Bee, as the Weasley lot came into view, running as soon as they heard not one but two killing curses being shot and the scream coming out of Bee. 

"You promised" he sobbed onto her body. "You promised no one was going to die today!" 

Fred's heart dropped to his stomach as he saw the lifeless body of the love of his life. Suddenly, his legs stopped working. The closer he got, the more real it felt. He heard the curse, he knew one of those was aimed at her. But somewhere deep inside Fred wished it had been Harry.

"Wait, wait!" said George. "She can't be dead!" 

"Georgie plea-" 

"No listen to me! The prophecy said she would save herself in an act of true love. Harry what happened?" 

"She jumped in front of the curse, it was aimed at me. She used her powers to have Voldemort unconscious and then I killed him." explained Harry, still holding her. Much like he had held Cedric's body a long time ago. 

"So she did! She isn't dead!" said George.

"Let's go, we have to bring her to Poppy then" said Remus, looking at the girl. 

Charlie made his way over to his brother, who still hadn't moved. Fred was still processing the fact that she had sacrificed herself. And then he remembered: she was pregnant. He had been so head over heels with the idea of having a baby, that the possibility of Voldemort killing his unborn child made him mad. 

"Freddie, come on. She is alive. Let's go, okay? It's just a weak pulse." 

"What if she is dead, Charlie?" Fred said hugging his brother, scared like a little child. 

"She is not, Freddie. Now come on. Let's go inside." 


"So this is what it feels like to be dead, huh?"  Bee asked, arriving at the familiar place. 

"You are not dead, sunshine." 

"What do you mean I'm not dead? I literally jumped in front of the killing curse dad, I am pretty dead if I do say so myself." 

"And you died because...?" 

"I jumped in front of the killing curse so it wouldn't hit Harry."

"Making that...?"

"Dad you really need to work on communicating better. What are you trying to say?" 

"The prophecy! What you did was an act of true love, meaning you saved yourself."

"Oh. OH."  she said mostly to herself. "So I get to go back? Will I be able to come see you again?"

"Yes and yes. You still have your powers, my darling. But you have to go back now, they need you." 

"Who?" she asked. 


"What's going on?"


She opened her eyes, looking at the destroyed hospital. 

"Oh dear, you are awake. Good, good." 

"I'm sorry where am I?" she asked confused.

"Dear can you tell me your name?" 

"No... No I can't. I think it was similar to a letter. I think it might have been Bee?" 

"Yes, yes, you my darling are at Hogwarts." Poppy sighed, going out the door to find the Weasleys. "She woke up. But she doesn't remember anything." 

"What do you mean?" 

"It's a trauma response." explained Lee. "It's not forever, but it will take her a little while to return to her old self. We have to take care of her, and do little things to trigger her memory."

"Mister Jordan here explained it perfectly. But I'd like to add we'd have to see her every two weeks, just to see how she is progressing. This is not an easy injury. Show her pictures, take her to places. Recreate moments if you are able to. Also I'm sorry Mr. Weasley, she lost the baby from the killing curse." 

The whole clan nodded, Fred making a little mental not to himself to get ready for what was coming and to asume that he was not going to be a father anymore, not yet at least. They made their way to her bed, Remus and Fred marching in front and Harry being the last one, guilt consuming him. 

"Hello darling" said Remus. "Do you know us?" 

"Yes! You are uncle Moony!" she said happily. "Oh and that's Charlie!" 

Fred was getting his hopes up. Maybe the memory loss wasn't that bad, if she remembered Charlie she surely had to remember him, right? 

"Do you remember me, love?" 

"No sorry. Who are you?" 


She is alive, and there is a lot more trouble to come! I hope you are enjoying the book! 

- berts <3

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