72. Wormtail and Bellatrix

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Bellatrix Lestrange didn't have the elder wand, or anything powerful for that matter, but she did have one very dangerous thing: ambition. With Voldemort dead, she saw herself as the next in line to power. But first, she needed to do a couple things. First, it was breaking Lucius and Peter out of jail, which wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. 

Her plan was more carefully thought and less reckless than Voldemort's plan, all she needed to rule was her; the one who dared step in front of the killing curse. That way, her army would live forever, and she'd be able to carry on with the legacy she dreamed of: purebloods only. She needed Bee Weasley to work with her, but she knew the girls heart was far too pure to do so. She didn't care who she had to kill or how many times she had to kidnap Black's only daughter, Bellatrix was going to rule the Wizarding world even if it killed her. 

Wormtail was an easy subject to manipulate. As soon as he was offered the smallest amount of power he was ready to betray anyone, even his best friends. He didn't feel one ounce of remorse for betraying the Potters and the rest of the Marauders, as he'd often say that they didn't really care about him during his school years, but it was far from the truth. Moony, Padfoot and Prongs had always cared about their Wormtail, had defended him when he wasn't in the room and had made sure Peter smile's didn't falter. But to him it had been meaningless, the promise of a new life full of luxury and power was far more attractive to him than a humble life along his friends. 

When Bellatrix had broken him out of Azkaban, he was over the moon. Even more so, when he heard the plan Bellatrix had in mind knowing the last of his revenge would be causing the greatest pain he could think of: killing his former best friend's kids in front of the last standing Marauder. Peace was not an option anymore, but they had to wait.

It was Lucius advice. Waiting. They had to wait until the girl had her full memory back and in being so, having full power over her powers again. Then they would be able to do things the right way. They didn't have to hint at a third war. No. The surprise factor would make everything even better. Better and worth every pint of blood they intended to shed. Lucius had, however, a very important thing in mind, and that was getting Draco and Narcissa back. It had already brought grate shame to him that he was fighting alone, but he wasn't going to let it happen again. 

Bee had remembered Narcissa and Draco upon having tea with them. Narcissa had to explain to her how she was tortured the first time she was snatched and everything that had happened with Lucius, as well as the connection to her mother. It was the first time that she had felt panic remembering. But at the same time, she had remembered both George and Bill because of the story, which felt nice. 

Still it was eating her inside the fact that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember Fred. Maybe when everything was settled, maybe when he could take her out on a date. Angelina had been specially encouraging her over letters to spend more time with him, and telling her stories about when the two weren't even dating yet back at Hogwarts. In the end, Bee was confiding most in Harry, who had been really protective of her since the battle. 

"Do you think I should leave him, Harry?"

"Why would you say that?" 

"I don't I just feel guilty and he is a great guy, I don't want him to feel like he is married to a stranger." 

"Does he feel like a stranger to you?"

"Oddly enough, he doesn't. It feels like when you meet someone and you two feel like someone who you've met in another life. Like meeting someone and knowing there has always been a connection in there. But at the same time, I get in his shoes and it breaks my heart that he could have any girl in the world he fancied and he is choosing to stay by my side." 

"Don't you think that means something?" 

"I don't know anymore. It's been two months since I woke up, bean."

"It means he is willing to fight for you. He spent like six years mustering up a little bit of courage to ask you out. Six years! I remember the glares whenever Cedric asked you out because he couldn't take a hint, and the way you two looked at each other. I'm not one for sappy stuff, but you two are made out of the same star dust, you are twin flames."

"Everyone keeps saying we are..." she mumbled. 

"Because we've all seen you two fall in love with the other in such a sweet way. We've seen you two mend your relationship whenever there was a falling out, and now it won't be any different. Plus, Bee, you have to give yourself time and a little pat in the back. You have been through a lot, going as far as jumping in front of the killing curse. And you are getting all of this information at the same time, you have to relearn about your life. Merlin, you even lost a baby! I just-"

"I did what?" 

"Has nobody told you?" 

"No... Was I... You know, pregnant?" 

"Just a couple months in, it was a clump of cells really" said Harry failing misserably at making the girl feel better. 

"Of course he is so hurt... He was going to be a father and I took that chance away from him!"

"You did not, Voldemort did. If anything I'm the one to blame since you jumped to save me." 

"Great, just great. Do you think he still loves me?" 

"Listen, if you ask again, I'm going to hex you. He is just as in love with you as he was when he was 16! Nothing will stop it, not this. If anything, it's his chance to make you fall for him again. I'm sure as soon a he can take you out on a day he'll be back to the Fred that charmed you enough to agree to move in with him not even a year into dating."

"So tell me, how are things with Ginny?" 

"Please don't mention it. We are going through it. We aren't married but she wants to have the kids talk and honestly? I'm not here for it. It terrifies me the kid is going to be anything like me." 

"Okay but think about it. The parents will be cool and all that but the aunts and uncles? Coolest wizards ever, our kids are going to be Hogwarts history." 

"If I do end up having kids, will you be the godmother of the first one? I know stuff is rough but if something were to happen, I don't want my kids growing up with anyone rather than you and Fred." 

"Harry! Of course!"

It's funny how destiny works, isn't it? Some people plan on having families, other people plan on getting theirs back, and other plan on destroying the very family who took them in, and never turned their backs. 

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