117. Happy Birthday Bee!

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This might be one of my fav chapters in the book. Also Smut warning and what not✨

"George are you sure?"

"Me and Bee have done this before! And I refuse to think you actually cheated."

"Please don't say it out loud. I feel even more guilty about knowing about this." Said Lee with a funny feeling in his stomach.

"Listen, there is no way on Earth you did this willingly. Call it a hunch, call it I've seen you be in love with this girl for more than 10 years and I refuse to accept you did that to her. That being said, here is the Pensieve. First, you numbskull are going to see how you are not simply capable of cheating. And then we are going to the night to see what the fuck happened." George simply stated.


"No. Come on."

They followed the steps to get inside the memory, Fred being the first one, followed by Lee and George.

It was a fine morning in Hogwarts, Lee and George were having breakfast half asleep. Bee and Fred made their way to the table, the 16 yearolds hand in hand just as sleepy.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" Crooned Ron. "Is that Fred's sweater? How sweet."

"Ron I will literally shove my boot up your mouth it's fucking 8 am. Stop teasing." Bee said placing her head against Fred's arm.

The two of them had their breakfast as they normally would, Fred pouring her coffee and putting the fruit on her plate and Bee kissing his cheek as a way to say thank you. Fred looked at her like she held the universe in her eyes, he always did.

"Freddie, wait."

Fred turned around and she started to adjust his messily tied tie, smiling down at her. He kissed her forhead and then she kissed his nose, making Fred scrunch it in return.

"16 and this disguntingly in love! Do you see that as some who would cheat?"

"It was years ago George..." Fred said, still thinking about the fact that he had cheated, the memory hurting a lot more than he had anticipated.

"Okay Lee, your turn." Said George turning to his husband, as Lee searched for a memory.

"Fred it's just a Quidditch match, please relax mate."

"Lee I'm not going out the field until Bee is here, she is our lucky charm! You don't understand!"

"Yeah, I kinda don't want to go if she is not in the stands either..." Said Harry, looking for his sister.

"I'm here, sorry! I fell asleep. Did Angie give the peptalk yet?"

"Thank Merlin you are here! She did, now get them on the pitch for fucks sake, Minnie is going to skin me if I don't take the mic soon"

Bee made her way to Harry as she made sure he was relaxed before the match against Slytherin. Then she turned to her boys, who were at the back of the line.

"Don't be nervous, you guys will do great." Bee said smiling softly at the twins.

Fred didn't think twice and grabbed her waist.

"Kiss me for good luck?"

Bee just smiled and kissed him, laughing against his lips after a little.

"Make me proud, Freddie."

"George this hurts."

"It hurts because deep down you know you could never cheat."

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