120. Shots

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"Fred this might be too much, don't you think?"

"No no, this is just fine. Fifth year, you said you wanted to go on a fancy date in muggle London with a pretty dress like in the movies. So now if you will, please go Remus' house so I can come pick you up like a gentleman?"

"Okay, okay."

Back at her childhood room, Bee changed into the dress Fred had chosen and bought for her. It was a dress that screamed 'I'm married to Fred Weasley' and deep down she liked that a lot. It was of course a deep shade of red, long with a slit on her right leg. She paired it with a pair of black heels.

She felt confident in it. But Fred always managed to make her feel sexy, in a dress, naked or in a shirt and sweatpants. He had always made sure she knew just how beautiful he found her. And she missed going on dates with him. They never got to do the awkward meeting the parents thing, or picking her up at her house. So she was excited.

Bee made her way downstairs, Remus waiting for her.

"Well don't you look beautiful?"

"You think so? It's not too much is it?"

"Oh Merlin no! Look at you all grown up, my little heart can't handle this."

"Oh please uncle Moony I'm hormonal as hell I'm going to sob and I have make up on."

"You are just like your father, you know that?"

Almost on cue, the doorbell rang. There stood Fred, with some black nice trousers and a white short open enough so that you could see part of his toned chest. Behind him, a rented blue muggle car, a convertible so he could watch her hair wild with the wind, just how he liked it.

"Good evening kind sir, I'm here to pick up my girl. I promise just a little funny business, and of course she'll be home safe." Fred spoke with a smirk. His face however changed when he saw his wife. "Oh angel you are a vision. Wow, just wow."

From the car, Fred took a bouquet of Sunflowers and handed it to her.

"They are almost as beautiful as you are."

"What a charming man you are, my love."

"Only for you."

As Fred got behind the wheel, he felt a flash of guilt in his chest. Was he doing this because he loved Bee and wanted to do something nice for her o was it just a way to let himself feel better about the fact that he had decided not to tell her about the Jessica situation? He was determined not to let the situation ruin the night. She deserved the world, and if he had to take her on dates until the day they both perished to show her, he would do so, no questions asked.

"What are you thinking about Freddie?"

"I just really, really love you. I hope you know that."

"I know you do. I really, really love you too."

Fred had decided on a fancy restaurant George had helped him find. Both him and Lee had helped Fred with the date and the plans. The dim lights and soft jazz was something new, but oddly enough something they liked, something that took both of them back to the time where they would dance in the common room under the moonlight.

He was being a true gentleman, and Bee was loving it. He always was, he had always been soft with her. But loving Fred was like being a kid on Christmas morning everyday. Right now, in that moment, Bee Weasley thought she was going to love him for ever.

Fred was in the middle of putting the rice on his mouth when the waiter brought a glass of Firewhiskey on the rocks for the gentleman.

"Damn Freddie, you got sent a drink, should I get worried?" Bee joked.

Fred drank the whole think, and just as he swallowed it, he couldn't help but notice that it tasted funny. He searched the crowd for who could have sent him the drink, and his eyes fell on the couple at the back of the restaurant, waving at him with an evil smile. And then it him.

Veritaserum. Not just any veritaserum, the one he had altered with George for the shop not long ago. They were going to use his own invention against him and shit was going to hit the fan. Once he opened his mouth, he would not be able to stop, and he was scared he was going to spill something.

"I'm really enjoying tonight, Freddie. Thank you for doing this."

"Have I ever told you you are the most beautiful creature in the world?"

"I don't think so, but like, you can say it again if you want to."

"You are ethereal. The day before we got married I cried on mum's shoulders for hours because I felt like I didn't deserve it."


"Because shit we've been together for a few years and all I can think about is how I am the luckiest bloke in the universe because you chose me. You could have married rich and revive the Black legacy and yet you look at me as if I held the key to happiness in my eyes."

"We don't need a legacy Fred. We are the Weasleys and that is more than enough. I have always loved you for you."

"See? And then we had little Sirius and everytime I see this perfect mix of you and I and my love that kid is my pride and joy, and he is so much like you. And he has your eyes. The most beautiful eyes in the world." Fred's voice cracked. The guilt was eating him alive.

"You okay there Freddie? What's wrong?"

"Will you love me forever? No matter what?" Tears were streaming down Fred's face as she looked at her.

"Of course, Freddie."

"You promise?"

"I promise. What's going on?"

"I just-" He took a deep breath. He couldn't lie but he could choose his words carefully, choking on his sobs. "I'm scared. I'm scared of loving you wrong, of hurting you. I'm scared of breaking your heart. You are my everything. I wake up in the morning thankful that I get to see you in my arms and I go to bed happy, because your head is on my chest and just for a few hours everything is okay. And I don't want to break that."

"Freddie, love. You won't. I don't know where this is coming from, but I'm here. I'm your wife. Whatever it is, we can do it together. We are a team."

Fred just sobbed harder hearing her words and seeing Jessica and Mateo laugh at his breakdown. He just kissed her hand and she asked for the check, no words were needed.

Bee knew something was up. And she had a feeling Fred was hidding something bigger than he'd ever admit. She would find out, no matter what, for her and for Freddie. No matter how much she'd hurt.


Hello my darling petals,

I know I haven't posted in a forever. If you read the Author's note I wrote becore the hiatus you know I had a difficult situation in the place I was living in. Well, that escalated and long story short, I haven't been well mentally or physically to write a new chapter. I'm moving tomorrow (wish me luck) so this nightmare will be over soon.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, this week I'll be updating all of the other fanfics I write (including two new ones, one with Freddie and the other with Oliver Wood) so you all can have some content.

Today's gentle reminder is to breath. Everything will be okay, because you deserve it. You've done beautifully so far, and you got this. Now and always. I'm proud of you, thank you for not giving up. Here's to waking up tomorrow.

- Berts<3

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