91. First stop

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Slight smut warning ;) 

The first two months with the baby had been... Tough to say the least. For some odd reason the baby only would stop crying with his mother around, which was beginning to upset Fred a little. He didn't understand why he only wanted his mother, when he was just as sweet and eager to help. He got jealous, even. 

Fred did manage however to make the kid laugh and giggle, which Bee wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that she only ever got the kid to stay neutral or stop crying. Sure she had always felt Fred was the cooler, funnier one in the relationship, but it seemed that not even the fact that she could make a little flame appear while snapping her fingers made little Sirius giggle, and it was getting to her insecurities. 

The baby didn't show any sings of being extra magical, but he was adorable. He had his mother's eyes and Fred's red hair. The Weasleys were over the moon with the little bean, specially Lee and George, who didn't miss a day of visiting him. So when the baby started recognizing them, Fred decided it was time for the two of them to finally go on a Honeymoon. 

Fred rented a little cottage in Tuscany, in the middle of a Sunflower field, something that Bee had loved a little too much. She was finally back in shape, so she could roam the rows of flowers for hours. Fred loved the little twinkle in her eyes, and the way her sundresses would ride up just a little from the soft breeze. He loved the way she'd giggle as she ran through the fields, feeling whole once and for all. Of course they missed baby Sirius, but he had longed for this kind of happiness again, being the two of them against the world. 

On that particular Wednesday, Fred had booked a wine tasting for both of them in a farm nearby. Only when they got there, they were the only young people in the group. They laughed to themselves, as they found a couple of British tourists they could speak to. Fred and Bee, being Fred and Bee, had decided not to spit the wine and actually swallow it, so by the time they were on the last two wines, both of them were giggly and had red cheeks. 

"You know I never took us for the couple who would get drunk at a wine tasting, Freddie." 

"Ah, life is like a box of chocolates, huh?" 

"Then we are for sure the ones with liquor." Bee said as they giggled softly and drank from the white wine. 

"Well aren't you two sweets young and in love!" Said Mrs. Potts, the British woman they had met, eyeing his husband. "How lovely, aren't they Hector?"

"Don't tell Bee" Fred said in a really loud whisper. "But I've been in love with Bee since we were eleven!"

"Eleven and you married the girl? Damn son that's some commitment!" Said Mr. Potts. 

"Of course, I always knew she was my soulmate, just didn't have the guts to tell her. But I eventually did and boom! Freddie gets the girl, aren't I the luckiest bloke in the universe? Oops don't answer I know I am!" Said Fred kissing her cheek making a mwah noise. 

The tour guide gave them a funny look, and the four of them just laughed. They got served the last wine, a beautiful fruity rosé. Doing some weird movement, Fred made Bee spill some wine into her yellow dress, making her stand up to go try and take off the stain, him following her suit. 

"I'm so sorry darling, I really am. I- What are you doing?" 

"It's okay, I enchanted the door, no one can come in." 

Bee had taken of her dress to run it under water, in hopes of the light pink stain to lift and get her dress back with no damage. Of course this was causing several issues in Fred's drunk and horny mind. 

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