36. Recovery

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Fred and Bee had been cuddling in their bed at Diagon Alley. After Arthur's accident the spirits weren't exactly high, but Fred felt lucky he had been comforted by his girlfriend, the woman he planned on marrying in their own little home.  

Him and George had been talking about it as a way to distract themselves from thinking of their dad. George said Fred should go for the grand gesture, make it at Christmas in front of everyone or go to the Great Hall singing a love song at the top of his lungs. Fred had never been the one for grand gestures, he just wanted something meaningful, a memory to hold on to.   

"I really like it here" she said, taking him out of his train of though. "What are you thinking about Freddie?"


"Us? As in the future?" 

"Yeah. It's just that seeing dad like that got me thinking. You know I'll protect you forever, right?"

"Freddie... I know you will. But don't get worked up over what happened to your dad. He'll be okay bubs. He is a strong man."

"If something happened to me, would you be there for me like mum was for dad?"

"Well of course. Blimey Fred, I could not leave your side." she said softly. 

"There's something I've wanted to talk to you about" Fred said, a little nervous. 

"What is it, love?"

"It's about the prophecy, will you tell me more about it? How did Harry find you?"

"Well it is a little weird, usually I go somewhere, kind of like a dream or a vision. And I just talk to people, but they are all somewhat related to me. And then Harry found me in one of those visions. Remember when I told you I had to go give some chocolate to a friend when we visited my mum's grave?"

Fred nodded.

"It was your uncle. I've met both of them, the twins, but talked to Gideon the most. Oh and Harry's parents too! They look so... so young. But I've never managed to meet mum. I don't know if I'm ready, though. Like will she like me? Should I speak to her in Spanish?"

"I'm sure she is proud about you getting your power back. You manage to every time. Oh and how you saved Grabrielle. Oh by the way did you knew Fleur and Bill have started seeing each other?"

"Have they? I thought he was teaching her English." 

"God you should have seen Bill's face talking about her. He is whiiiiiiped." 

"Oh like you are one to talk, Weasley."


"Hi? Hello?!"

Silence. All Bee heard was silence. And then she heard soft cries, not sure where from.

"Uncle James?" 

"Oh bloody hell, come here." he said hugging her. "You are okay, you are okay."

"What's going on?"

"Is Padfoot okay?" 

"Well yeah, the one who got hurt was Arthur, not dad. Must have seen it wrong." 

"Listen Bee, this is important. You two are not safe. Tell Sirius not to leave Grimmaulds Place."

"What? Why? Have you met my father? Do you think that after 12 years locked up he'll want to go into hiding like a criminal?"

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