4. Veritaserum

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"Should we wake them up for supper?"

George and Lee stoop looking down to their friends. Somehow, they had both fallen asleep cuddling each other as Bee read for Fred. They had bets, of course they did. All of the Weasley's actually did, this was extremely funny to them. 

"Lee, pass me the camera, I just really want this for blackmail." whispered George. 

The sound of the camera didn't bother them. It often happens when you are sleeping with someone you feel comfortable with. Bee felt as if she could go through a war and still be safe in Fred's arms. And Fred just wanted to be able to hold her forever. It seemed that in time, it wasn't just innocent cuddling. It was a way to feel the other just a little closer, a way to make time stay still, just for the both of them. And yet, they were so unaware of it. They felt so safe, so peaceful in their own little world. It wasn't just a world, it was a whole universe. 

It was a common thing with them. They'd be so wrapped up in some story or a little joke that they would miss everything happening around them. It happened a lot for Fred alone. He looked at her as if her eyes held the universe, as if she was some creature he had never seen before. He was fascinated with every detail about her face. How freckles danced on her nose and cheeks. How different she smiled in different situations. When she was reading her books, he was reading her. And of course he had imagined her holding his hand walking to class, kissing her in the hallways or just being able to scream at the top of his lungs that he was in love with her. But he had also imagined her in another light. Making her scream his name, having mornings like that same one, sneaking into broom closets. Heck, he had a list of places where he wanted to fuck her. He had thought of drawing her in a more intimate way but it just didn't feel right, not without her consent. 

George, Lee and Angelina had tried everything to get them together. But they were big time blind. Angelina thought that by this year they would be together. Lee and George demanded it. It was kinda frustrating to them, actually. Like the time  Fred heard Cedric ask her out but not hearing her rejection. He sobbed in George's arms for hours. He thought he had missed his chance. But same old story. She wanted Fred to ask her out. 

Deep down she knew it had always been Fred. She knew the second they had kissed for the first time. She knew that morning while ridding his thigh like there was no tomorrow. It was Fred. He made her feel at home, and yet at the same time he made her feel the thrill of a rollercoaster. He was able to calm her panic attacks, and he had been willing to hear every noise her mouth made. "No, keep going love, I like it when you talk about the stuff you like." he would often tell her. Bee had fantasied about being with Fred many, many times. Simple stuff. Holding hands under the table, making out in their common room and going on little picnic dates. Bee liked Fred as much as she liked sunflowers, and that was a lot.

"You know", Molly whispered "I don't want them complaining they are hungry later. So who's going to wake them up?"

"Blimey mum, can we just let them have a little moment? Maybe when they wake up they'll look into each other's eyes and realise they are madly in love." Said Ginny looking at them. 

"Oi Ginny, never pinned you as the romantic time" said Charlie. 

"I'm not, I'm just close to losing the bet and I want that money" explained the youngest Weasley. 

Fred slowly opened his eyes, confused as why all the people currently staying at the Burrow were staring at him. And then he just knew. They had fallen asleep together. 

"Fred dear, would you mind waking her up? It's almost time for supper."

"Sure mum, but please stop staring. It's making me uncomfortable."

They all went to do different things as Fred's eyes made their way back to the girl in his arms. He smiled to himself, feeling the luckiest bloke in the world. Twice it had happened that day. Twice! 

"Bee, wake up" he whispered. 


"Come one love, we gotta go eat."

A little grunt came from her lips. 

"You know darling, we are making a little habit out of this." he said smirking. 

"Sod off, Fredrick." she said into his chest. 

Slowly Bee got up, stretching a little. 

"We hadn't seen both of you all day, care to explain why?" Said Sirius with an eyebrow raised. 

"I was with Charlie and then went to read, must have fallen asleep then." she said very carlessly. 

"And I went to rest, wasn't feeling too good."

"Rough night, Freddie?" teased George. 

"Fuck off, Georgie."


"Sorry mum" said both twins at the same time. 


"So," said Lee after supper "What are the plans for tonight?"

"Sleeping" said Bee. 

"Oh come on! You slept until late, and then took a nap with Freddie. Plus, we want to know what happened to his neck." 

"Really Lee? Nothing happened. We tried to curl Fred's hair and we were smashed so it didn't go well. We told you guys already."

"Yeah right" said George. "Did you two fuck?"

"NO." said the both of them at the same time. 

George and Lee shared a look. The veritaserum had now kicked in, as it had been placed in Fred and Bee's tea cups just after dinner. 

"I'm going to ask again. Did you guys fuck?"

"No" responded Fred, unable to control the words out of his mouth. "However..."

Bee quickly put her hand over his mouth. This didn't feel right. 

"However I think it is extremely rude to drug us just for your own amusement and to gossip. It was none of your business, but since you are so interested I got off on his thigh, nothing else happened. We were high and horny and even if we hadn't been, we don't have to give an explanation about what we do or don't do. Simple as that. Hope you are happy and satisfied now, and I'm going to bed. Night."

She got up but Fred tried to grab her wrist to try and stop her from leaving. 

"Don't. I am mad. See you tomorrow."

And having snapped those words, she left for her bed, leaving three very confused and guilty boys in the living room. 

Bee was not going to tolerate this stupid behaviour from her friends. One thing were pranks, the other one was making her expose something she clearly didn't feel comfortable with sharing. They crossed a line they knew they shouldn't have crossed. 

Privacy was very important for her. That's why she went to Charlie. They boy  had kept the secrets, and he had been of great support when needed. If she hadn't seen him as an older brother she would have probably fallen for him. But it wasn't the case. Bee could never fall for Charlie. Him and Harry were the sibblings she never had. She protected and cared for Harry as if he was her little brother and Charlie did the same to her. And to her, that meant the world. 

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