86. Daddy Issues

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Tw: Somewhat graphic violence, domestic abuse.

"Come out and play you sick fuck!" 

Draco knew the walls of the manor all too well. For every wall, every painting he saw, he could remember a punch, a slap or an insult thrown at him by his father. The Malfoys had spent a lot of time in Lestrange Manor when he was a child, therefore knowing the place like the back of his hand. He was roaming alone the place, with only a mission in mind: ending his father's life. 

"Come on Lucius don't be a coward yet again." 

Draco wasn't scared of him. Not anymore. 

"Call me father, Draco." 

"I won't call you shit. Where is she?" 


"You know who I'm talking about." 

"That filthy little slu-" 

"That filthy little slut is like my  sister, so can it. This isn't about her, this is about us. Tell me where is she before I kill you." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Did I stutter, Lucius?" 

"You don't have the guts to kill me." Lucius teased his son. "Not like me anyways." 

10 year old Draco was playing in a dark room with his books, trying to make a little castle out of them. He had asked for an actual toy castle, but of course Lucius had refused. Draco loved reading and learning, he was actually worried the hat would put him in Ravenclaw instead and earn a beating from Lucius. Draco Malfoy just wanted to be a kid, but when Lucius Malfoy is your father your childhood has a deadline, and for little Draco that deadline had been age 7. 

The kid looked proudly at the stack of books that made the castle, and if Draco closed his eyes, he could feel the breeze at the top of the tallest tower of his castle, a little smile played on his lips. He felt free, here was no violence, no screaming. He felt like he was capable of flying. He wanted to do just that, spread his little arms and fly away from the Manor. 

And then it started. It wasn't a screaming match because the one doing the yelling was his father. He could hear the plates being thrown from across the room, and the uneasy feeling he always got crawling up his skin yet again. Draco didn't even care for the castle anymore, he went in front of the mirror and started taking deep breaths. 

"1, 2, 3, 4. Breath Draco, just like mum taught you. 1, 2, 3, 4." 

And then he saw it, the window of his bedroom was cracked open, and a little thought popped into his head. He made his way to his window and looked outside, his little feet dangling from the edge. He stood up and looked down, it was one hell of a fall. Maybe if he spread his arms, beautiful wings would emerge and he'd fly away. It was a really attractive thought for him. Freedom. 

"What the fuck are you doing in there, Draco?" Lucius roared from the door. 

He jumped back inside and curled himself in the corner of the room, praying for the best but expecting the absolute worse. 

"What do we have here?" Lucius made his way over to the castle. For a split second, Draco thought his father would sink to his knees and play with him, but of course that was never the case with him. "A castle huh? Don't you have enough with this manor?" Lucius grabbed the book on top and threw it to Draco, it hit him square in the head. "You ungrateful little swine. You get a whole mansion and you want a castle. Thank Merlin we are sending you to Hogwarts next year." Lucius grabbed the books and started throwing them at a sobbing Draco. No 10 year old should go through that. 

The books were hitting Draco and leaving bruises all over his body. In a swift movement, Lucius grabbed Draco by his collar and pinned him against the wall. Draco waited for the impact of Lucius fist on his face, like many times before. But it never came. 

"You better hope you get into Slytherin, or the second you set foot in this house for Christmas I'll throw you out. You hear me?" 

Draco nodded terrified and Lucius threw him to the floor. His head had bumped with the corner of a book, bleeding down his face. Lucius smirked and left the room. Scared as ever, Draco got up and walked to his mirror. Almost as a routine, he cleaned up the wound, stitched it like he had done many times before, and looked at himself. He did what he had to do, he looked at himself in the eye and practiced the sick smirk that he would trademark him in his years at Hogwarts. 

"You never cared for me, nor mother. Did you?" 

"I had a family and a reputation to maintain. The Dark Lord wanted you, Draco, and you ran away." 

"The Dark Lord is dead and you are eating his sloppy seconds. Even after he is gone someone has more power than you." Draco spat. 

"Shut it if you know what's good for you." 

"Go on, hex me. I'm a healer, I can heal myself. Unlike you, I have turned to the good things in life. Oh how disappointed you'll be know that not only we have been working along Potter and the Weasleys, but I'm also seeing a lovely muggle woman." 

It was a lie, but Draco was enjoying the payback so much he just wanted to see Lucius crack once and for all. And it was working. He saw the anger in his eyes much like he had all those times back at Malfoy Manor. 

"You know, father." Draco got closed to him with his wand up. "I did it all for you to accept me. To be proud of me. And all I got in return was pain. I was never going to be enough for you was I? All those nights I stayed up wondering what was I doing wrong, all the tears wasted on you and your way of making me feel small. It was all for nothing. Because now I can see you don't mean shit, you never will. But the damage has been done. I am loved, father. It took me 17 years to find a group of people who looked past the Malfoy surname, and now they are my family. They have shown me more love and mercy in a week than you have your whole life. Well have fun with it. Cause not me, nor mum are ever coming back to you. You deserve nothing, Lucius Malfoy. Rot in hell." Draco held his wand up and before Lucius could react, he had already yelled, "Crucio!"

Lucius fell to the flor, crying in pain. It was the first time he had shed a tear in front of his son. 

"Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" Draco yelled sobbing too.

He hadn't noticed but Ron was now holding him as he cried, taking his wand in the process. Ron looked at Lucius unsure of what happened to him. He for sure looked dead, but there had been no Killing Curse pronounced. Deep inside Draco wasn't satisfied, but now they had a more important mission. Find Bee, the baby and Harry. 


Hello beauties! 

This was such a hard chapter to write. Draco's speech at this point is hatemail to my dad lmaaao. Jokes aside, this had me crying for a good hour while editing it, but we needed to see a bit of Draco's life back home. 

Oh! Next chapter, is all about Wolfstar, get the tissues ready! Then we'll have the rescue mission and if all goes well, we'll know the baby's name by Friday! 

I hope you all did as I said and were kind to yourselves today! If not you have to do it tomorrow, I don't make the rules! I personally had some Starbucks and went for a walk after class. 

- Berts <3

Ps.: Can y'all believe I got shadow banned on tik tok after posting two videos? I'm such a loser hahahahahaha (It's @/Berts.Weasley, for little snippets and related content). 

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