93. Marked

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Lee and George were at St. Mungo's, without the baby. Baby Sirius was with Molly at the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley claiming that he needed a little sun and she needed someone to listen to Arthur ramble about muggle things. Lee had been called to heal a patient who apparently had been ripping open his bandages and making himself bleed again, and George took it like a Bring your husband to work kind of day. 

"The patient is in the wing for mental injuries, he is making a fast recover but he won't stop bleeding because he won't stop taking his bandages off. We can't restrain him anymore as it is against policy but for some reason Dr. Malfoy refuses to treat him." Another healer explained. 

George had a funny feeling in the wing, not in a good way. Maybe it was the empty stares of some patients, or how some laughs gave him the chills, but the more they walked, the more he just wanted to run away and hug his mother. George and Lee bumped into someone they had seen grow up, and someone they thought would have classes at Hogwarts. 

"Hey Nev!" Said George somewhat relieved to see a familiar face. "Aren't you teaching at Hogwarts?" 

"It's my free day today, thought I'd come see my parents." 

"Oh, they're here?" 

From behind Neville, a woman with black bushy hair was approaching both of them, almost pondering if she knew them. She had a sweet wrapper on her hand, and when he looked at Neville, her stare wasn't a blank one, but the stare of a mother eager to hug her child. 

"Neville. Sweet? Friend?" She asked. Alice took a good look at George. "Weas- Weasley?"

"Mum, yes, this is a Weasley indeed. George. Can you remember the twins?" 

Alice thought for a second, and turned to Neville, almost smiling.

"Neville, George. Fred. Arthur. Molly." 

"Exactly mum! Great job!" 

Alice placed the candy wrapper on Neville's hand and cupped his cheek with the other. It was her way to say "I love you, I'm still here.". And Neville knew. Alice went back to her part of the ward. 

"So, she remembers things?" 

"She is doing much better than dad. She remembers people, but she still can't say full phrases. Healers say that in about five years she could be out!" 

"That's great Neville! I'm sure mum will be happy to hear so, they were good friends."

After bidding their goodbyes, George and Lee kept walking until someone stopped them, and the two of them couldn't help but bit their lips not to burst into laughter. 

"The Devil!" he said pointing at George.

"Come on, prof Lockhart, we weren't even that bad!" George grinned.

"The devil!" 

"My god if Bee was here... She was the one who pranked him the most. The muggle cement on his gel was simply genius. Earned my full respects." Commented Lee looking at their old professor.

"Or are you fans? Mildred! Are they fans?" 

"Who the fuck is Mildred?" Asked George. "No we're not fans. Don't you remember us? We used to be your students." 

"Ah yes! I was a great professor wasn't I?" 

"I think it used to be her wife?" Lee responded. "Not really, no." 

"Well you can tame beasts but you can't tame students aye?" 

"The man's gone mad and is still just as cocky... I could never, let me tell you." 

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