52. The wedding pt. 2

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Everyone was sat down in the tent as they waited for Bee and Fred. They had a lovely supper which consisted in Pizza (referencing to their first date), a couple of Spanish dishes because Fred insisted that he wanted them in there since Bee's mum was Spanish and she grew up with those dishes since Remus tried to cook them for her and finally the cake. They had set the tables in a O shape so there wasn't sections, it was all one big table. Everyone was full, but alas it was the time for the speeches. 

"Oh god" said Bee as they saw their friends fight for the microphone, George ultimately winning over Angie. 

"I can remember like it was yesterday the first time Fred saw Bee, and let me tell you he harassed me because we just had to be friends with the cool girl from the train. Luckily she agreed to be friends with us, not that we gave her the option not to be, really" George and the crowd laughed at the memory. "I think over the years we've all come to realise they were a perfect fit for each other. A little slow, but made for the other. But I recall this one time, in fifth year, Bee had just gotten hit in the stands by a Bludger gone wrong sent by the Slytherin team. Fred looked like a wounded puppy outside the hospital wing. And then he sneaked us in. Of course Poppy isn't stupid so she did notice three awkward teenagers pretending to be asleep in the empty beds. But for some reason, she said nothing, and as soon as she turned around Fred bolted to Bee. Like an absolute madman. And he did not leave her side until she got released. Funny thing is, the next week after a prank gone wrong she made us do the exact same thing. And I think that is a beautiful metaphor for their relationship. I'm just very happy you guys are together. You deserve each other. And I'm beyond excited to see your life bloom as husband and wife. And please give me a Nephew soon! Congratulations guys, I love you." 

Everyone clapped as Fred dried his eyes, looking at George with thankful eyes. Next to grab the mic was Remus. 

"I'm absolute shit at speeches but I think today it's an important day. You know when I first found out that these two were dating I was livid, as most of you know already. My little girl, my little flower was growing up. But I've had more than enough time to think about love and I think you two embody love. It's in the little things, it's in the way you two look at each other. Like the other holds the universe in their eyes. It's the way you find comfort in each other, how you two have pushed the other to become a better version of yourselves, ever since I can remember. Now you two probably don't remember, but when you were babies, with Sirius we'd go over to the Burrow for playdates, and Fred would only share his toys with her. It was absolutely hilarious. You two are each other's person, always have been. Not the other's better half because you are a team. Two people who have worked for a healthy and strong relationship, who complement each other so well. And as afraid I was to let her go, I'm not anymore. Because she is now married to the man who has loved her the most aside from her father. I wish you guys a happy life and please for the love of Merlin no grandchildren, yet." 

Bee was now crying and as soon as Moony sat down, she hugged him as tightly as she could. Next it was the moment for Bill and Charlie, who were sharing the mic.

"We have been waiting for this moment for years now" said Charlie into the mic. "And now that we're here we have so much to say." 

"See, we knew Bee and Fred were going to get married by Christmas break first year. Because Freddie boy was talking about her constantly. We knew it was more than a crush when he asked mum to plant Sunflowers so when she came to visit sometime in the summer she would be happy" 

"Getting to know Bee in the summers was a gift. We had a new sister, really. But it also gave us a great form of entertainment called "Watching these two be so in love with each other and not really seeing the other has the same feelings.", which mainly consisted of Fred drooling and Bee blushing." 

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