34. Skirts

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"Black detention after class" said a very sweet Umbridge. 

"What for?" Bee asked confused. 

"Your skirt is far too short, dear. You must learn to be a little... modest. More ladylike." 

Umbridge was being a nightmare to the kids since day one, but Bee was the first one of the lot the get detention. She had called racial slurs to Lee and slutshamed Bee for hanging out with four guys as soon as she met them. Fred and George were yet to be insulted. 

"I think your skirt looks fine, love" whispered Fred making her smile. 

The second the class was over, Bee was livid but she was very quiet. And the lot knew it wasn't a good thing. Fred tried holding her hand but she didn't hold it back. She hadn't said a word at lunch, nor when Snape asked her a question. She didn't show up for supper. 

"Harry?" said as she approached the class. "Got detention too, bean?"

"Yes. I might have yelled at her about Cedric. And you?"

"My skirt is too short and I'm a slut apparently."

Umbridge seated them and told them to take out some parchment. 

"Not the quills, dears. You'll use my special quills. Mr. Potter you'll write I must not tell lies. Miss Black, you'll write I must not be a slut.

Harry went to protest but Bee shot him a look to shut him up, not wanting the situation to be worse. 

"How many times?"

"Until it sinks in, Mr. Potter." 

The second they started writing they both felt pain. The class was silent, except for the soft cries coming from Harry, the boy being in utter pain. Bee was too, she just wasn't going to give Umbrigde the satisfaction of seeing her cry. But Dolores was going to make the girl crack.

"You know, Miss Black, from woman to woman" she started, her sweet voice filled with venom. "You really should start acting more ladylike. What will people think of someone who hangs out with four men all the time? Not to mention having a serial killer for a father and being raised by a monster doesn't help the case either."

Bee said nothing, she kept on writing. Harry was seeing the whole thing stunned and angry to say the least. 

"How will you find a good providing man dressed like a slut? Sneaking around with that Weasley boy. What would your mother say if she knew her daughter had been acting like a whore? I'd honestly be disappointed, ashamed really. I'm sure she is looking down and just wishing she had been alive to at least teach you to keep your legs closed. No one will want you after that Weasley boy breaks it off. Young love never lasts, and nobody wants a used toy when they could have a brand new one. A modest, brand new one. That being said, Potter, Black you may go back the common room. The common room, Miss Black, not Mister Weasley's bed."

The second they were out the door, Bee started sobbing. Her hands and face were full of the blood from the quill, but all she could think of was the humiliation she had just been through. And in front of Harry. Not anyone, Harry. Her little brother.  He really didn't know what to do. So he just held her as they walked. He didn't want to mess up. 

Harry just wanted his older sister to stop hurting. 

They made their way to the common room, Bee going straight to her dorm ignoring all the eyes on her bloody face and hands still not being able to control her sobs. 

"What the fuck happened?" said Fred. 

"Well the blood is from Umbridge's punishment. Blood quills. I had to write I must not tell lies, and now it is scarred in the back of my hand" Harry explained. 

"And Bee?" 

Harry took a deep breath, knowing exactly that hell was about to break loose. 

"She had to write I must not be a slut." 


"It... It doesn't end here. He said some pretty mean things too."

"How mean?" asked George ready to just straight up kill the pink toad.

"She called her a slut. For hanging around you guys. Said she'll never find a husband because she is being a whore, brought up Sirius, called Moony a monster and said her mum would be ashamed of her and that she was probably looking down on her wishing, and I quote, she 'had taught her how to keep her legs closed' because no one wants a used toy."

The silence was deafening. No one could believe what Harry had just said. Fred stood up silently and made his way to Bee's room, her sobs audible from outside. 

"Love? Can I come in?" Fred said softly. 

He opened the door slowly the sight causing his heart to break. She was a mess. He closed the door and made his way to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and a towel. He picked her up and set her on the counter and ran the towel under the water. Bee spoke softly as he cleaned her face. 

"Will you break up with me for being a slut, Freddie?"

"I will never break up with you. You are not a slut love. And even if you were, she has no business doing what she did."

"She said that in front of Harry, Freddie. What will Harry think of me?" 

"He adores you, love. We all do. He looks up to you and if anything he will be mad at her. Not you." he assured her. 

Fred sat her down on the floor once he had cleaned everything up, and washed her hair. He knew it comforted her, and she needed to relax. Once he had finished, he dressed her in some comfy pj's and tucked her in. 

"I'll be back in a second, darling. Okay? I have to talk to Georgie and Lee." 

The next morning Bee woke up to an empty bed. She didn't know where was Fred but she didn't mind. She made her way out of bed and got ready for the day. She was in the Great Hall having breakfast when she heard Ginny say Oh no

There they were Lee, George and Fred dressed in the same skirts she had been shamed yesterday. She teared up, but laughed at it anyways. The three of them kissed her cheek good morning and ate breakfast with her. Minerva was having the time of her life, and Umbridge looked livid. 

"You should take better care of the kids in your house, Minerva. Boys in skirts..." Umbridge started. 

"I think they are doing just fine." McGonagall smiled. "Plus I'm not going to tell my students what to wear, Dolores." 

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