Extra #1 The Weasley's Halloween

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Warning! A little steamy towards the end

"Sirius! Get your butt on the door we're going to be late for treat or tricking." 

"Butt" Yelled the two small twins latching on either leg of Fred. 

"Don't tell your mother you heard that from me." 

Thankfully for Fred and Bee the twins hadn't really picked up on swear words quite like Sirius had. Fred was going to take the kids out and then bring them to their grandparent's house so him and Bee could get a little... alone time. After three years of being a household of five privacy was a rare thing around the house. 

"Now, say bye to mama, there's candy to eat!" 

The four of them were dressed as the characters from The Wizard of Oz, kissed Bee's cheek and said their goodbyes and I love yous. Sirius was leading the clan, claiming he had to because he was bravest lion of them all (a Gryffindor at heart), and Fred, who had seen the musical theatre play "Wicked" insisted he had to be Fiyero. Still part of the story, technically. 

Bee had stayed at home to clean up a little and get the mood ready for Fred and her. Besides, she had more than enough time to take bath with a glass of wine before the three hyper toddlers were dropped off at The Burrow. 

They enjoyed being parents, but those three kids were for sure blood of a Marauder, the mischief was in their system. And so was the energy of a sugar rush minus the sugar. So thank god for Molly and Arthur, the man was so excited he had even bought a rubber duck costume. 

"Why is mama not coming?" 

"Because mama needs a break, sweets. She does a lot for us and it's only fair she gets the house to herself for a little. Did you lot clean up your toys like I asked you to so mama didn't have to?"

"Yes!" The three of them saluted. 

"There's my little team! I'm proud of you guys, now remember what I told you?" 

"The twins in the front with the puppy eyes, me behind them with the big smile and daddy has the charm to get the big bars of chocolate. Just like you showed us, I've practiced!"  Sirius showed his dad the most adorable grin Fred had possibly ever seen. "The greatest team that the world has ever seen, like mama says." 

"Exactly!" Fred smiled at his own little clan. "Just like my love says."

"Uuuuuugh" The three kids faked disgust at their parents pda even when they were apart. Fred Weasley was, and would forever be a lovesick puppy for his one true love: his wife.

Truth be told, they had made some really cute babies. Sirius was a dashing young boy who adored atention. So going trick or treating was just a straight up treat for him. And on top of that getting candy? He had been enjoying himself way too much.

On the other hand the twins had gone shy on the last couple of houses, and Fred knew he'd drop the kids soon, his arms getting tired from carrying the two kids.

Getting home for Fred was an experience he cherished everyday. Sometimes he was met with toddlers straight up crawling up his body, the smell of Bee's amazing cooking or on days like today, just the soft humming of Bee's voice.


"In the bath, Freddie."

Freddie wasted no time in discarding his own clothing and position himself behind her in the bath, kissing her forehead, nose and lips and stealing her glass of wine.

"How were the little devils?"

"They were absolute angels. I have to say, Sirius has a lot of fun flirting with literally everyone."

"He gets it from you, you know? He picks it up when he hears you flirting with me."

"He'll know how to treat his future partner then, I'll flirt with you until we are old and wrinkly my love."

Bee turned around placing her legs on either side of Fred, before taking a good look at her husband.

With each year that passed Fred seemed more mature. Sure, he still had a boyish charm to him, but Fred looked like a man. His hair long like Bill and Charlie's almost always was pulled in a messy bun, maybe a braid if he was feeling fancy. His jaw could still cut at the touch and his rosy cheeks only invited you to kiss him silly.

"What are you staring at?"

"You're so pretty Freddie."

She leaned towards him and smkissed him softly. Fred smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer making the kiss deeper and more passionate, feeling her body press against his.

"Hmmm the things I'd to you."

"So do them, Freddie."

"Nu-huh, it's your relax day and I'm affraid you'd have to do the work in this tub and I'd rather please you. We don't need to have sex, love. I'd love to simple touch. Now, turn around."

Bee did as Fred asked, and he just guided his hands over her shoulders, letting a small moan escape her lips out of content. He worked like an expert, he knew where to touch and how to do it, fingers working like magic to ease off the tension on her shoulders.

"Is this all you ever imagined darling?"

"Naked you massaging my shoulders with a glass of wine in a bubble bath? I'd say not bad!" She joked.

"Not that, dummy. I mean this, our little family, us, I don't know, everything?" Fred kissed her shoulder and pulled her back so she was once again resting on his chest.

"I am more than happy with this. I wish I could go back to teenage Bee and tell her to hold on a little tighter, that you'll ask her out and have the cutest kids in the universe and a loving family. That she'll be a good mother-"

"The best mum! You are the best mum!"

"If you say so... Could you imagine when you opened the shop that you'd have three kids running around. Four! If you count Georgie."

"We're still kids too, you know."

"I forget we're not even 30 sometimes."

"But I wouldn't trade this for the world. Our little forever, just like we promised."

"Just like we promised my love."


SURPRISE! We're almost at 100k and I wanted to celebrate with a cute little extra chapter just like I promised. Besides is Halloween! It was just such a fun idea.

I miss this two like absolute crazy! And I miss you guys! I hope you are okay. I'm super happy because I've started writing the thesis for my final year of uni on Harry Potter and I've been working on a play that is actually going to open on theatres.

How are you my loves?

Berts <3

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