26. The Last Task

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I'm so sorry :( not a smut warning, just bring the tissues for this next couple of chapters...

It was finally here. The last task. And Harry was ready to end this nonsense. Bee was ready to relax. And Fred was ready to finally see his girlfriend stop carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. They were in the tents, two hours to go. 

"Bean, it'll be okay. The Weasleys, Remus and Sirius will be here soon, and once you finish the task, you'll be free. And we will celebrate." she said running her fingers through his hairs. 

"Yeah moral fibre, you got this. Your sister and I will be here when you finish." 

Charlie and Bill were the next to arrive, 30 minutes later, pulling Fred aside. 

"So you and Bee, huh?"

"Really Charlie?"

"Come oooon, tell me how you asked her!"

"All I'll say is it was cute and she said yes. And before you ask, February."

"You better treat her right Fred, she is one of a kind." 

"I know, I'd marry her tomorrow if I could."

"Maybe let's not go so fast, buy her coffee first Fred for fuck's sake."

"Sod off Charlie, you know what I meant." 

"Yeah, yeah, let's go back inside before you hex me, you asshole."

The two of them made their wait to the tent, where they saw a familiar face. 

"Pucey get the fuck away from her before I break your legs." Said Fred ready to lounge at him. 

"Aw look, the whore's protectors, how touching."

"Are you even allowed to be here?" said Charlie growing tired of the boy. 

"That has never stopped me, has it?" said Adrian teasing Charlie. "Wow Bee. You managed to fuck the twins, now his brothers too? I knew you were a whore, but this is a whole new level of slutty."

Charlie didn't think twice and punched the boy in the face, breaking his nose. As Adrian's nose started bleeding, Charlie punched him in the stomach.

"See Adrian, you are all talk and no proof." Charlie spat at him. 

Everyone calmed down, Fred asking Bee to step outside for a second. 

"Listen love, I know you'll think this is weird, but I got this weird gut feeling, and I wanted to give you this." he said pulling a little ring out of his pocket. "Not asking you to marry me yet. It's a promise ring. Just to promise you I'll always be by your side, no matter what. I'm so proud of you."

"Freddie I..."

"Shh, don't say anything darling. If I could give you the moon I would, but nothing can compare to you."

She cupped his face and place a gentle kiss on his lips. 

"You are one of a kind, Fred Weasley."

He wrapped his arms around her and he just held her. Fred felt time stop everytime he did this. It was his safe place. 

"You know, darling I really do lo..."

Fred was interrupted by George.

"Mum wants us all inside." 

They separated and made their way inside, Bee hugging Sirius and Remus. She had found herself really clingy around them, but she just really missed them. Even if no one told her what on earth was Wolfstar. 

It was now almost time for the task to start, everyone but Bee in the stands. 

"Come here" she whispered to Harry. "I'm so proud of you, I don't tell you enough. You made it, Harry. And I don't care if you win or not, just come back, okay? All I need is you in one piece. You are a tough cookie, bean. I love you okay? Don't forget."

"I won't forget, I love you, Bee. Thank you for being the best older sister in the world. Our ice cream awaits." 

They finally got out, the arena roaring at the sight of Harry. They hugged as she kissed his hair one last time and she made her way next to Fred, who linked their pinkies discreetly. 

As every hour passed, Bee grew anxious. When Fleur went out of the maze she nearly jumped back down thinking it was Harry. When Krum got out she felt relief, now it was almost there, the end of this paid nightmare. Eternal glory was now a bunch of bullshit, she just wanted her little brother back. 

Harry was finally back. And holding Cedric's corpse. Fred shielded her from the view almost as soon as they were there, but she was already running to Harry, pulling him away as he sobbed yet again in her arms. She carefully guided him inside, leaving him with Moody for a brief second, as she left the room for a second to see if any of her friends were close to the place. As she saw no one, she made her way back. 

"Who are you? Where's Moody?" she asked the man. 

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" he said tugging at his sleeve. 

Just as she did that, she saw it. The dark mark. But one Barty Crouch Jr. had been way faster than her. He had his wand up her neck.

"Barty Crouch Jr. pleasure to meet you"

"For fuck's sake, I knew there was something off." she said. 

"Now Harry you have to options, either she comes with me, or you do." 

That second seemingly everybody burst through the door, gasping at the sight. 

"It's either the Chosen One or the Flower of Life. The Dark Lord is after the both of you. She won't kill the girl if she gives him what he wants, but he wants Potter's neck. It is up to you, trade your brother's life for yours."

"Fuck off" she said, his wand now poking her even more. 

"Leave her alone, you creep" said Fred with his wand up.

"Fred, no. Everyone, out. Harry you too. I said out" she yelled. 

"No, no way. You are not doing this Bee. No" said Harry.

"Take me, he deserves to live. I can take whatever your stupid master thinks he can do. But you are not going to come near my family, you coward."

"You are not taking her, you are not taking my daughter" said Sirius shaking.

"No? Watch me, Black." 

And just like that, Bee Black and Barty Crouch Jr were gone. 

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