59. Yet another wedding

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Bee was having coffee on the sofa with Fred and her grandparents when Harry finally had woken up. The boy had slept like he hadn't in months, finally feeling safe with his sister. He examined the old couple, who looked somewhat familiar. 

"Harry! Morning bean! Here, come meet my grandparents!" said a cheerful Bee. 

"Where's Lee and George?" asked Harry noticing the missing couple. 

"Went for a walk!" said Fred. "There's coffee left for you." 

"Brilliant, thank you." 

Bee turned to her grandparents as Harry sat down with them, slightly embarrassed he was the only one wearing pjs. 

"Harry is my dad's godson, and ever since the first week we met, he has been my little brother." she explained as the old couple nodded. 

11 year old Harry Potter couldn't seem to find a prefect, nor the Gryffindor tower, nor Hermione and Ron. To someone that small,  Hogwarts was huge. He felt like he was going in circles, and his first week had been... Well it had been weird to say the least. He was having a hard time adjusting to being a Wizard. Suddenly there was no more maths, and a whole lot more of waving a wand around. He saw a mop of blonde hair walking towards him, seemingly distracted. 

"Hi, sorry, um I know you are not a prefect but you are in my house and I just got lost" said Harry with a frown. 

"Harry? Harry Potter?" she asked. 

"Yes! Do I know you? Or do you know me? I don't know everyone seems to know me it's kinda creepy..."  Harry blushed. 

"I do know you, but for a better reason. Hi! I'm Bee Black. Our dads used to be best of friends!" 


"Yeah! He was a Gryffindor too, all of them. Don't you know?" 

"Uh no..." 

"Here, there were four of them. And my mum and aunt Marlene. They had this little gang called The Marauders. It was Prongs, aka your dad, Padfoot, my dad. And then Moony, who is well, uncle Moony, and Wormtail. That's Peter. A very creepy man that right now is on the run."

"Why is he?" 

"Betrayed your parents and my mum, made my dad go to Azkaban until proven innocent and joined The Dark Lord." 

"Akaban? The Dark Lord?" 

"That's wizard jail. And the git who have you the scar. I'm guessing you don't know much, do you?" 

"Not at all... I'm sorry about your dad." 

"It's fine, but I hope you get to meet him soon! You are his godson." 

"So you mean I have a family outside Aunt Petunia." 

"Of course! Matter of fact, I am now officially adopting you as my little brother!"

"As a mentor?" 

"As a sibling, silly! Now every time you need something, just get me. And if you can't find me, look for Fred and George, you are a friend of Ron's right?" 

"Yeah, yeah. I am." 

"Brilliant! Come one, I'll get you to your dorm, and tell the other members of The Golden Trio to have breakfast with us tomorrow." 

"So you were the one to name them the Golden Trio?" asked Fred. 

"That was my doing, yeah." 

"What is...?" started Concha as Bee caught up. 

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