63. Music

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"Hello my love" said Fred entering Bee's room. "I'm not reading to you today! See, Ron and your brother brought this little machine from Hermione's house, it's called a walkman. See I put this little thingy in your ear and we can listen to music at the same time. And then I learnt how to make this mixtape thingys and got all of our songs so we can listen to them together." 

Fred pressed the play button, Just the two of us started playing. 

"This is probably my favourite song of ours. We've danced to this so many times!" Fred said. "Thank god you've somehow taught me how to dance over the years, because love I was the worst, almost as bad as ickle Harry." He laughed softly. "Oh my god I remember this one night, we played this on the speakers because Lee taught us how to use them and we danced around the castle, and Filch tried to catch us. It was the first night I did a decent job at dancing! You know I almost wanted it to be our first dance at the wedding, but I knew you wanted something slow and romantic." 

Fred closed his eyes at the thought of their wedding, letting the memory consume him. 

"I think it is one of my favourite things about you. How you put on this "I'm tough" mask when in reality you are a hopeless romantic. I don't know why you don't show it, honestly. I love seeing your little face light up when it comes to the little things, the little things about love. Like, remember when we weren't married, and I'd send flowers to your dorm? Angie said you blushed so much! I'm sorry I missed it." 

The song then changed to Night Changes by One Direction, the band their tattoo artist Lou played in. 

"Can you believe that the guy who has given us all this tats has such a cool band? I remember when he played this song for us when you were getting your ribs tattooed. Let me tell you, hot ass tattoo if you ask me. I never thought you'd get your dad's favourite song on you but you have always been full of surprises. But I feel like we've changed so much. From two awkward teenagers who weren't sure at all about the other's feelings -stupid, I know- from two married adults with a job and a future plan. Nights might change fast we will always be ready for it, because you give me such a sense of comfort." 

He hummed to the rest of the song, stroking her hair. The next song on their mixtape was Slipping through my fingers by Abba. Bee was a sworn fan of the muggle band. 

"I remember how you told me once this song reminded you of your mum. It reminds me of Ginny, the girl is growing up fast. But I'm happy you were her role model growing up. She has always looked up to you. And I know you looked up to your mum, and the stories Remus and Sirius would tell about her. You have kept her alive with such magic, love. I bet she's told you just how proud she is of you. I hope that if you are in one of your visions, she is telling you that she is. And I hope Sirius told her about me, and she actually like me. I couldn't stand your mum hating me!"

Fred laughed softly. It was harder for him not to cry as the songs went by. He could tell their stories through music. He liked it that way, really. He loved how he could go back on time with a simple chord. Next he played Obviously by McFly.

"You don't know this but I got so jealous when Wood started to flirt with you. I've always been. Because I thought he was so much better than me he'd make you leave. But you never did. You know, we started calling you Lucky Charm because we never lost with you in the stands, but now that I think back, you really were. You've always been Georgie and I's lucky charm. You were there to encourage us to start the shop, you would cheer the loudest at Quidditch matches. You have always been our rock, a sister to George and the love of my life. I think mum has always known, she welcomed you with her arms wide open, so did the rest of the family." 

He let a few more songs play in silence, he was enjoying this. It was like a little journey through their love story. He felt like this would awake something in her. Afterall, she had always loved music, and maybe this way she'd wake up knowing Fred would love her even if she was in a coma. The next song was Summercat by Billie the Vision and the Dancers. 

"I know you don't remember this song. But! This song George learnt on the guitar when he went through his music phase and played the guitar every chance he got. We danced to this song as George learnt it, in the common room. It felt like summer in a song, and at the same time, it felt the same way you warm my heart. Like, this fuzzy feeling at the pit of my stomach when I see you naked, cause it is always like the first time, it's past being horny, it's like watching a fucking masterpiece. I hate that I don't have the courage to tell you this out loud, but I hope you hear me, because I have seen many beautiful things in my life, but none of them compare to you." 

Fred's eyes were getting watery remembering their time at Hogwarts. Every prank, the jokes, their little moments... Everything. They had a young love that turned into twin flames. They met being immature children not knowing how the world worked, and now they didn't need to know how the world worked because they had found a whole other universe looking at each other's eyes. Fred stopped at More than a woman by the BeeGees. 

"Incredible how you like disco music! This song reminds me of you, however I have to say the BeeGees are great. Ugh, I swore I'd never listen to disco and here I am, listening to it with you. The things I do for you, woman. I really do miss dancing with you, we always fit like puzzle and dance like the wind. I recently started drawing again, it helps with coping. I've drawn you so many times, that if Sirius knew, I'm sure he would've thought I was a stalker. I just really like your face and the little things you do with it. Harry and I can tell where you are in a book only with the faces you pull!"

The song finished and then the song started playing. Your song. Fred had tears running down his face, thinking of their wedding and the many times the song had been in their relationship. He hummed the song, looking at his wife. And then, it happened. As if it were magic, she was mumbling the words to the ballad, Fred singing with her encouraging her to go further. 

"Come on love, you got this, I'm here for you. You can do it." he whispered. 

Her eyes fluttered open, and after two months and a couple of weeks, Bee Weasley was awake. 



She is awake! I couldn't sleep and saw we got 3k reads, so I thought I'd leave you guys with a sweet little moment with Fred. All of the songs are from the fic's playlist, I just thought it'd give a little window to their relationship. I know it might seem the fic's bound to end soon but I still plan on many things to happen, we are nowhere near done. 

Thank you guys for 3k. And the votes, and putting the fic in your lists. Hope you have a lovely day when you read this, and remember to drink some water!

I'm currently watching the HP movies as a marathon so I'm writing chapters as I watch the films! So you might get a few more chapters than usual as I watch. 

-Berts <3

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