18. The Yule Ball

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The day was finally here: The Yule Ball. But, as expected, it was utter chaos for everyone. Let's see, shall we?

Bill and Charlie were full of mischief. Being Christmas time and being at home, they thought it'd be lovely to ask Dumbledore if they could chaperone the dance. What they really wanted was to see their brothers and hopefully, watch some romance blossom. Plus they never had the chance to go to a ball at Hogwarts, so they thought it was the perfect to do both things at once. They had they tuxedos ready the week before, and Bill had even let Molly cut his hair a little (only the ends though). Charlie had his camera with him, and he would be taking the lot back to The Burrow the next day in time for Christmas and New Year's Eve. They were both happy to say the least. 

Molly had been emotional for days. He thought the only times she'd see Fred and George in dress robes would be at weddings, and those didn't happen often. And Ginny! She'd see her little her little baby dressed in a beautiful dress. And she had Charlie and Bill there to take pictures and look after their siblings. She was also upset, as Percy for some reason would not be spending Christmas with them. But she didn't think much of it, Percy had never been one for social events. Molly had been to a Yule Ball once. It was the day she knew she would marry Arthur. He had been a complete gentleman with her, and it was the day he finally figured he'd love Molly for the rest of his days. Never had the world seen a love so pure. Molly hoped deep down, and unaware of what had been happening with his son and one Bee Black, that maybe Fred would work up the courage to confess that he would go to the moon and back a thousand times just to see her smile. 

Sirius was a wreck. Not even Remus had been able to cheer him up. He had sent his daughter a pair of heels, lilac like her dress and with a ribbon like a ballerina's pointe shoes. Just as he had sent the box, it dawned on him. His little girl, his ball of sunshine was a woman. Still one year to be of age but a woman nonetheless. He felt somewhat guilty to have missed so much of her life. Remus had tried chocolate, baby pictures and even some bad jokes, but Sirius just couldn't get over the fact that he had just bought his daughter a pair of heels. He had attached a note to it begging her to take pictures, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to see them. Remus found the situation too dramatic, Sirius had always been. But he shared a nostalgic feeling with him. They still saw her as a little girl, if Remus closed his eyes he could still see the little events in her life, the birthdays, the day she got get her letter... And now she was going to a ball. With a boy. Fred did not know it yet, but the father figure he had to win over was one Remus Lupin and not Sirius Black. 

George was excited to say the least. He was finally taking Angelina, and him and Lee were going to get ready together. They had even shaved their (hairless) faces! They had a secret bet going on, as Lee was sure that by now, Fred and Bee would kiss in public. But George knew his twin brother was a coward and wouldn't dare do that. They had also agreed to spike the punch, and they promised each other they'd have the night of their lives. Ginny on the other hand was rather nervous. She was going to the ball with Neville and even though Fred and Bee had taught him and Ron how to dance, she didn't want to mess it up. Not because Neville was actually an amazing dancer, but because she knew her brothers wouldn't let it die down. She knew she looked beautiful on the dress Molly had sent her, and she was hoping that the confident was enough to pull through the night. 

But no one, and I mean no one, was as nervous as Fred and Bee. 

"Angie do you think I made the right choice with the dress? I don't look hideous do I?"

"George what if I spill something on her? I can't stop shaking!"

"My hair! Should I leave it down? Ugh this is so complicated!"

"I mean at least I don't have to wear Ron's dress robes, they are ghastly, really."

Fred had been shaking since he had woken up. He skipped classes to get ready, as he had spent the whole morning in front of the mirror asking himself what to do with his hair. By the time he had pulled the dress robes out of the trunk, George and Lee were already ready. He was sporting a black suit that fit him just right, with the lilac tie. He had smiled every time he thought about matching with her, like a real couple. Fred was standing again in front of the mirror. 

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