70. The Golden Trio

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A couple weeks had gone by making it a month and a week since the battle. Now that Hogwarts had been almost restored from the battle, the Golden Trio thought it would be a good idea to take Bee there, give her a little tour from the school that had seen her grow up. No students were back yet as they had decided to wait until September, but the new headmistress was more than eager to let them visit and reconnect with some of the professors.

"This place is huge!" Bee beamed at the castle. "Did I actually study here?" 

"We all did!" said Hermione. "Come one, we want to show you some spots that will be meaningful to you." 

They took her first to the Great Hall, explaining all about the four houses, the tables, the house points and the teachers table. Bee ran across the tables. 

"Where did I sit?" she asked like a little child. 

"Over there" said Ron pointing at the table. "You'd always sit in the same formation. It was George, Fred, You and Lee. Always. And usually Angie was in front of you." 

"Who's Angie?" 

"Oh Angelina Jonhson! She is one of your best friends!" 

"Merlin I should probably write to her, tell her I don't remember anything. She might think I'm dead!" she laughed softly, her fingers tracing the table. She noticed something, making her gasp. "Oh my god I can't believe this!" 

"What is it?" asked Harry. 

The four of them ducked under the table where they could read "Fred and George Weasley, Bee Black and Lee Jordan were here", carved onto the back of the table. The lot laughed, knowing it would be there for their kids to see, they had literally left a mark in Hogwarts history in their own little way. 

"What on earth are you lot doing down there?" 

"Minnie!" Bee shouted sprinting towards the woman and jumping onto her arms. "Oh you look radiant, this whole headmistress thing has given you a new glow." 

"I see you haven't lost your spark, dear" laughed McGonagall, happy to see that the girl she saw now wasn't much different than that girl at Hogwarts. 

"Well how could I?" she said dramatically. "When can I see the other professors?" 

"Well professor Sprout is showing Neville the Green House as he will be helping her from now on and will take over once she retires. Let's go!" 

They walked the corridors to the Green House, Bee jumping in joy at the place. She was loving the castle so far. Once they got there, the small woman greeted them. 

"Neville come say hello dear. Oh how you've grown little Black!" 

"It's Weasley now!" chimed in Ron.

"Oh she married young Fredrick! I knew you two would end up together, the boy would steal the prettiest flowers for you!" gushed Sprout. 

"She doesn't remember anything, professor" said Harry awkwardly. "She got hit with the killing curse." 

"Well then, I'm Pomona Sprout, your former Herbology teacher! And that is Nev-" 

"Bee!" said Neville jumping onto the arms of the girl who had stuck up for him so many times. "Oh I'm so sorry I couldn't attend the wedding but I hope you enjoyed the present." 

And then, something clicked again when she hugged Neville. It was like a chunk of memories came flooding back to her, all at once. She squealed at the happiness of remembering someone again. 

"You are Neville! Neville Longbottom! I taught you how to dance didn't I?"

"She remembers him first and not us, this is the Yule Ball all over again huh?" whispered Harry to Ron, a little annoyed at his sister. 

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