64. Almost normal

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Bee had made excellent process. October had turned into November and in a blink came December, making it six months hiding from the Death Eaters. Hermione was coping well, and things were looking up. As well as they can when there is a war coming. The lot liked Romania, which helped a lot. 

Back to Bee, she made a slow recovery. She wasn't able to walk for the first three weeks after waking up, but she was a stubborn woman, and soon enough she was flipping off anyone who would tell her to go back to bed. Fred was happy to have her back, it was almost like he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Charlie and Bill had lost count of the time they had made fun of him for being overly sweet with her. 

"Fred I can make my own breakfast!" she groaned at the lanky man in pijamas trying to finally figure out the damn toaster after months of being there. 

"Oh shush! Can't I treat my wife to some toast?" 

"I'd love some toast but without the prospect of burning the house down thank you very much!" 

"I'm offended! I know how to work a simple muggle toaster!" 

"Fred I'm begging you, make anything else, I'll take poorly made oats at this point, just please leave the damn toaster back on the counter and don't put your fingers in it while it is plugged in!" 

"Blimey, first it was bickering like a married couple, now that they are married it's like an old couple" smirked a sleepy Ron to an even sleepier Ginny from the door frame. 

"Such a himbo" agreed Ginny. 

"What did you just call me? Do I have to be insulted?" Fred turned around to face the his siblings. 

Bee looked at Ginny sending her a knowing look, trying to bite back the laugh threatening to escape her lips. Fred was sweet like that, but sometimes he could be a little daft. He was like a puppy. But not that innocent, Fred Weasley was many things but innocent had never been one of those. 

"He truly is like a Golden Retriever." said Bill making his way to the pan.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was freaking international bully Fred Weasley day, today." he huffed. 

"That's literally every other day of the year." smirked Bill. 

"You are a toss pot, William." 

"You are a wanker, Fredrick." 

"And both of you are five years old." said Molly entering the kitchen, slightly pissed at the choice of words from her sons. 

Bee and Ginny were silently losing their shit at the brothers, Ron falling asleep in the table. Fred muttered a little spell, making Ron slam his head on the board. 


"What's with the bloody noise you little shiiiiiiiiiiii- oh hey mum, morning!" said George trying to look as innocent as he could under Molly's unimpressed face cooking bacon. 

"My Godric every morning is a new adventure with you Weasleys, what I family I married into, huh?" said Lee. 

"You know Lee, we could always marry each other, get the Black-Jordan surnames back on the picture" teased Bee just to annoy Fred. 

"You've always been the hotter friend, I'm down. Let's go look for a priest" he said linking arms with her and waltzing out of the kitchen. 

"Absolutely not! Lee give me back my wife!" said Fred following the two of them, the three eventually ending up again in the kitchen. "Go get dressed I'm taking you on a date since I can't treat you to toast." 

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