121. Mateo spills it

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Bee had been worried for weeks now about Fred. He was jumpy, he wasn't sleeping. But he wouldn't share what was troubling him and she was beyond worried. It had to be something big, but she couldn't think of anything that made actual sense.

Fred had become a whole other person. He barely slept, only to be woken up by whispers in his head fuelled by the guilt he felt. It didn't matter anymore if he cheated or not really, it was the fact that she trusted him and he didn't tell her. Coming home from the shop and hearing her giggle with Sirius, seeing her bump, it broke his heart. Because he knew. He knew that the second she knew, the giggles would die for a long time.

Bee was currently at home reading a muggle book lended by Hermione when the doorbell rang. At the sight of Mateo she went to close the door without sparing a word and rolling her eyes.

"Arabella wait."

"It's Bee. Not Arabella. Don't you have a job to go to? A plant to water? Leave."

"I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry? About what? The fact you assumed I was a murderer because of my surname? Because you shamed my father? A father that by the way is both innocent and dead. I don't have time for your bullshit."


"Maybe it was the fact that when you were introduced to Lee you acted like they didn't exist when my Lee is and has always been nothing but a sweetheart. Or that my actual kid doesn't trust you and that is saying a lot." Bee had to hold on to the handle not to smack the life out of the man.

"Lee, I was wrong to treat him like that."

"Them. Use their pronouns right or you'll have yet another problem."

"I was an ass."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

"But I'm here to make thing right."

Mateo was a master at manipulation, and he was going to use his kills the best he could. She was mad, so she was vulnerable. And she just had to use the magic word: Jessica. Make him look like a victim, and then spill everything. He wouldn't be breaking the vow, and if she didn't want to see him again, he could still live. In other words, he was washing his hands, cleaning himself up after shit had hit the fan.

"Why should I give you another chance?"

"Because I know you have it in your heart to forgive me and let me explain."

"There is nothing to explain."

'There is a lot you should know, actually. I know something you should know, if you let me in, I will tell you everything you need to know."

Something in her told her that something was missing. So she dared ask the question that frightened the most.

"Does this have something to do with my Freddie?"

Silence. The only answer she needed.

"Come on in then. Tea or coffee?"

"Tea is fine, grazie."

"Adapting to the new home I see." She smiled softly.

She served the tea, the two in utter silence. Mateo didn't know where to start, so he did was he did best: charmed her.

"You look great with the bump."

"I want an explanation, not flattery, Mateo. So go on, please. I'm listening. And don't bother sugaring things up, at this point I can take anything."

"But you are pregnant."

"Yeah, pregnant. Not made out of glass. I jumped in front of the killing curse for fuck's sake. I'm stronger that you think."

"You did what?"

"Stop stalling or get out of my home Mateo. I'm not willing to put up with you out of pitty."



"So a few months ago, I moved in from Italy. I was scaping a nasty situation and the cottage down the road felt finer than the city. And for a while I didn't know anyone. Until I met the lady next door, a girl named Jessica. I remember she was wearing a yellow scarf."

Hufflepuff yellow. It had to be Jessica as in Jessica the bitch that took baby Sirius to Bellatrix.

"Okay Imma stop you right there. I know Jessica and I want nothing to do with her. She's brought nothing but pain to us."

"Let me finish please. When I first met you I was surprised to see Fred in your pictures because I thought Fred was dating Jessica."


"Yeah. I saw him making out with her at a pub."

"Can you tell me the exact day, perhaps?"

And there it was, the day of the fight. Her heart sank to her stomach. It was plausible, and it would explain why Fred had been acting like that lately. But Fred would never, right?

"Has she told you how long has this been going on for?"

"Jessica said the day I saw them they were on their second date, so I guess for a little while. Jessica did seem really in love." 

"Right, Mateo I think you should leave now. I have to sort out a few things." 

"Am I forgiven?"

"You really can't expect me to answer that after you just told me my husband, my person since we were kids has cheated on me." 

"Yeah, sorry. Whatever you need, you let me know. Ciao."

Bee changed from her pj's and apparated to the flat above the shop. Her mind was racing and so was her heart. This could not be happening. 


"Hello my love! How was your day?"

"Vewy good!" 

"Lee can we have a word?" Lee nodded their head. "Sirius, love, can you go up to your room for a moment? Mama will come fetch you really quick."

"Okay, I love you mama."

Sirius ran upstairs as Bee and Lee sat down in the sofa. She looked at him, trying to word things right in her head. 

"I'm going to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me." 


"Mateo came by today, and he had some things to say. But there is something that stood out to me the most." 

"What is it?" 

"Lee, has Fred cheated on me?" 

Everyone's world was about to come crashing down. 


Hello my petals!

Ah, the drama of it all. Do you think Lee with snitch on Fred when she is so close to giving birth to the twins? I'm excited to write what is coming next. Also I wrote this listening to Ghost of you by 5SOS and when I tell you was tearing up for a whole hour... I'm planning on writing the next one to Amnesia, so that might give you a little hint about what is coming. 

Today's gentle reminder is that you deserve love as a whole. Not halfs, buts or ifs. You deserve to be loved fully, don't settle for less. You are a beautiful being, you walk around giving light to those around you, how cool is that? Brighter than the stars above. I'm proud of you for making it to today, for standing up to yourself, and for being you. You go, petal! 

- Berts <3

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