68. The Box

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Fred Weasley was not going to give up, not after everything they had gone through. Sure it hurt she only remembered Remus and for some odd reason, Charlie but he was hopeful. After all, she didn't oppose to share both the flat and the bed with him, she was eager to start remembering things. She did not take off her wedding ring either, it seemed pointless if she had to remember her husband eventually. 

She was not going to deny it: the Fred kid was hot, she wondered how she had managed to score someone like that. He and his twin had told her stories about their time at Hogwarts. She remembered being a witch, but not everything about it, like her education. Apparently the three of them and their best friend Lee, who she already adored, were the best of friends. They showed her the café, and told them a little bit of background. She had also gone back to work, and oddly enough, she really liked it. Aside from the people coming in to pitty her, she was having a lot of fun with it.  

It was one particular morning that Fred had decided to help her in the café, life at Diagon Alley was starting to go bloom back, but still it wasn't something George couldn't handle himself. Fred was mainly concerned about people asking too much questions. Harry had to deal with this at 11, she was way older and they were talking about recent events she had no recollection of. 

"Hello dear" Molly Weasley chirped entering the café.

"Hello Mrs Weasley! What can I offer you this fine morning?" she smiled from behind the counter. 

"Please call me Molly, you are practically my daughter! And tea is fine, thank you." the woman smiled softly. "Have you seen my son?" 


Molly smiled at the nickname and nodded. It gave her a little sense of things slowly going back to normal. It made her even happier when Fred kissed the girl's cheeks as she blushed. It was like seeing them being young and slowly falling again. Maybe not even a spell as strong as the killing curse was strong enough to make her forget the love they had for each other. 

"What do we owe the pleasure, mum?"

"I'm just here to see Bee, I have a little something for her." 

"What is it?" asked Bee curiously. 

"Well, you don't remember but you and the twins left school early in your last year. However you left a few things behind, and Minerva thought they would help you remember, hopefully." 

Bee nodded at the box, looking down on it. It had a red and gold tie with a B on it, a few notebooks and pictures, one standing out to her. Suddenly she felt like a buzz running through her veins. 

"Come on Lee" a very drunk Bee groaned. "I swear it's really fun!" 

"You are mad!" he slurred. "Why aren't the twins with us again?" 

"Because they got lost!" 

"Ugh, right." 

Being in their drunken state, Bee had the brilliant idea to sit on the railing of the moving stairs, sorta like if they were a mechanical bull. At first they were all giggles, they were focused on not falling over the railing and most importantly, flipping off a very mad looking ginger when he tried to yell at them to stop doing that and go back to either the common room or the dorms. But neither of them listened to the boy, who resorted to going to ask for McGonagall before crying out of stress. As he left, some boy with a camera took a picture of the two of them at this point screaming with laughter. 

Minerva had being hearing the laughter from her bedroom for a while now, knowing who were the troublemakers from the many times that laughter had been heard in the professor's corridors followed by Snape groaning at them. She calmed down the Weasley prefect, asking him to just go back to the Gryffindor commons and that she would handle the whole thing. 

"Miss Black, Mister Jordan, care to explain what's going? And aren't you missing a couple of kids?" 

"Come try it Minnie, this is so fun!" Bee giggled. 

"You are just like your father. Come one, go back to your commons, and we don't need to make any more noise, okay?" 

"Yes ma'am!" said Lee, saluting her. 

"Oh my god that's Lee! I remember Lee and Minnie! Minnie told us to go back and he fell down the stairs!" she said happily. "I remember Lee! I can't wait to tell him tonight!"

The two couples had started having dinner together every night, telling Bee stories about Hogwarts, the pranks they used to pull, and even Snape. They thought it would help her remember, and even though that was the first ever memory she had of the school, she wanted to know more about it. 

Fred felt a little discouraged. It was the third and fourth people she remembered and none of them were him. Maybe he had to be a little more patient, he would repeat to himself. Just wait a little longer and she would remember. How ever he had been planning on taking her on a date. Maybe if he recreated the feeling, she would remember something. The bell ringing pulled Fred out of this thoughts, but it didn't pull the girl out of the box. 

"Well if it isn't the lucky charm of the team!" a man said, smiling at her. 

"Sorry do I know you?" she asked at him. 

"Come on! You surely can't have forgotten about me." 

"I'm sorry, I really have I'm afraid" she laughed lightly, a little uncomfortable. She looked down at the pictures, and she saw a much younger version of the boy and herself laughing at something. "Wait you are in this picture! Who are you?" 

"I'm Oliver, Oliver Wood." He then looked at Fred. "She really doesn't remember?" 

"Nope." Fred said eyeing the boy with a suspicious look. 

"Well you did have a crush on me, I was captain of the Quidditch team in Gryffindor and now I play it professionally." 

"Did I have a crush on him?" she asked Fred. 

"No you didn't, but he did have a crush on you. Oliver, she might not remember but should I have to remind you she is married? To me." 

"Come on Weasley, I know she did have a crush on me. She must have!" 

"Oliver not everybody is in love with you." 

"Didn't she like Pretty Boy Diggory, too?" 

"Hey, I remember Cedric! Well he is in my visions anyway, it was one kiss and I rejected him." She explained.


"Well yeah, I haven't forgotten the people in my visions. Alastor, Cedric, mum and dad, Gideon and Fabian, the Potters, Tonks..." 

"You remember them all?" asked Fred. 

"Yeah. I mean at first I was a little scared but I got more than enough time to remember them when I was in the coma." 

"Does Sirius still like me?" asked Fred, laughing a little. 

"I think so why wouldn't he?" 

Fred laughed internally at the thought of the fact that Sirius would for sure hate him if he knew he had gotten her pregnant. But it soon faltered. He knew he had to tell her about the lost pregnancy, but it would be a little touchy. Fred had never stopped to think about just how much the girl had to go through in her life until he had to tell her, and it had given him a whole lot of respect for her. 

Molly had been watching this whole thing unfold sipping on her tea, when an idea popped into her head. A family dinner. She'd invite the whole clan and make yummy food, just like in the old days. Maybe that way she'd get Bee back. Maybe she would remember them, or at least Fred. No one knows their kid like Molly knew hers, and she knew deep down Fred was hurting. 


Double update today! This is part one! Hope you enjoy! 

-Berts <3

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