47. The date, the dress and Remus

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"So the date." Fred asked sat in the sofá with Bee, a calendar on his hands. "I say summer, we could get married back at the Lake in the Burrow." 

"Yeah, but not in August, that would be too close to my birthday or Harry's. So let's say July." 

"Hmmm, how about the first of July?" 

"Do we really want to get married the first day of the month? It gives me an off vibe." Bee explained. "How about the 20th?"

"I'd say too close to Harry's birthday... The 9th?" Fred asked. 

"Ew no, I don't want an odd number for our wedding, what if it's bad luck?" 

"Is it though? It's not like we are getting married on the 13th..." 

"Wait Freddie I got it!" she said, beaming. "Let's get married on July the 12th! That way our anniversaries will be exactly six months apart!" 

"A genius, I'm marrying an absolute mastermind!" 

"So we are set then?" 

"Yeah, yeah we are. We were quite fast, are we doing this right?"

"Just because you take forever doing this doesn't mean they aren't done right when for once we do things quick." 

"I can think of a quick thing that we do you seem to really enjoy..." Fred smirked.

"Sod off, Weasley."

"Right back at you, Weasley." he smiled big. 


Bee apparated to The Burrow, where Charlie was waiting for her. She had owled him telling him the date and he had insisted to be there for the dress fitting. They had agreed to take Molly with them a surprise. As soon as Molly walked out of the kitchen, she saw the two of them and raised an eyebrow. 

"Go get changed Molly, we are taking you somewhere!" said Bee with a huge smile. 

Molly got changed and they apparated in Diagon Alley, Charlie covering his mum's eyes. They walked into a proper fancy shop, somewhere the freaking Malfoy's would buy their clothes at. Bee wasn't planning on spending a huge amount of money, but it was her wedding, and having the Black money and the great amount of money she was earning from the café, she could afford something nice. It was her day after all, however she'd get married in paper rings and jeans if Fred had wanted to. She just wanted to be with him, but it was an excuse to treat herself. 

"Okay, this is going to be a little sudden, but we set a date, and a place. The Lake at the Burrow. Now there is just one thing missing." Bee nodded and Charlie uncovered his mum's eyes. "Molly you have been like a mother figure to me ever since the day you met me. You have fed me, given me a roof to stay under during the full moon and treated me like one of your own ever since I could remember. And it would not make sense not to have you here, helping me choose the dress I'll be walking down the aisle to marry your son with. So will you please, please help me?"

"Oh my sweet girl, of course I will!" Molly said pulling her into a hug, drying the tears spilling from her eyes. "What do you want us to do?" 

"Okay so I'm thinking of using the method I used with Harry for the Yule Ball. In an hour, we'll meet here, take three dressed, no looking at the price, and we'll go from there" Bee smiled. 

The three of them reunited back, at the same place, the dresses already in the changing room. Charlie and Molly were on a big sofa sipping on some mimosas the owner had offered them for free, knowing that Bee being a Black and having money she'd better stay on their good side. Bee tried on the first dress, a sleek silky dress with a long tail, not really giving her body any shape. 

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