96. How to get a date with murder

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tw: Gruesome stuff, blood, vomit... 

With the help of an unsuspecting Hermione and an even more clueless Lee, the three of them had found a way to get rid of the body. George was in charge of getting the acid, and Bee and Fred were going to be doing the dirty work. They placed Fenrir's lifeless body in the tub at the apartment.

"Okay, how do we do this?" asked George opening the little container with the acid. 

"Safety first, gloves everyone." 

When they did that, Bee carefully took Fenrir's fingertips, and dipped them in the acid, watching them dissolve and having to dip twice to burn he claws underneath the skin. Once she did the first hand, she started vomiting in the toilet, absolutely disgusted by the smell. She opened a window, trying to make the smell go away. George took over, and did the other hand, having a really similar reaction to her. 

"We have to pull the teeth out and dissolve them too." Said Fred softly, dreading the process. 

"We should do it with magic. I think I can do it." Said Bee grabbing her wand and muttering a spell. "This is so fucking disgusting."

Fenrir's mouth began to bleed as the teeth flew to the little acid container, dissolving straight away. 

"Remember the spell to stop the bleeding Georgie? Use it, please." 

George stopped the bleeding as Fred and Bee just stared at the corpse in their tub. 

"It's okay, you can go Freddie. It's my mess to clean, not yours." 

"Love we are married, your mess is also my mess. I mean sure this is a big mess, but it was an accident, okay?"

The both of them pulled their wands out and a big plastic bag. Slowly, Bee summoned the different parts of the body into the bag as Fred muttered the spell in order to get the body to stop bleeding and cleaning everything in the process. 

"Next stop, Hogwarts." 

They both apparated outside, first going deep into the forbidden forest. Fred started digging the first hole, leaving a hand inside it. He didn't fill the whole up, as Bee planted a rare endangered plant assuring that it could not be touched and therefore, making sure the body parts would not be found. They repeated the procedure several times. Then Fred and Bee moved to the Black Lake. 

"You throw the head in." 

"What? Why?" 

"Because you were a Quidditch Beater Freddie! You arm swings better than mine." 

Fred grabbed Greyback's head by the hair and with a smooth swing the thing landed deep into the lake. They made their way back inside Hogwarts. It was late enough to know everybody would be sleeping, so they placed a silencing charm around themselves, and enchanted McGonagall's room to make sure she would not be able to get out. 

They went over to the Quidditch pitch, and did the exact same thing. They left parts down the goal posts, the stands, and random places in the field. Things were going smoothly until, of course, someone had to interrupt. 

"Who did you murder?" 


"Everyone in fucking Hogwarts and who caught us? Oliver fucking Wood. Unbelievable."

"Oh no please, don't stop." Said Oliver smirking. "This comes just in time, you know?" 

"Oliver, please you need to shush about this." Pleaded Bee. 

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