20. Georgie

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tw: this chapter might trigger you if you suffer or arerecovering from an ed

Now back at Hogwarts, Bee noticed George was nowhere to be seen. This wasn't normal for George, he'd always be with the lot. She had also noticed the change in his aura. He was anxious, barely ate and only spoke when spoken to. She suspected the boy had broken up whatever he had with Angelina. When George missed his third lunch that week, Bee decided she had to do something.

She roamed the halls of the school, careful not to be caught. She knew exactly where he was, the little garden hidden in Hogwarts where they'd hide in first year. She got there and heard some soft cries. She found the youngest twin with his knees up to his chest, the sobs louder as she got to him. As soon as he saw her he launched himself to her arms. 

"It's alright Georgie, I'm here. Let it out honey" she whispered stroking his hair lovingly. 

George started to calm down after a while, still latching onto her. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bee asked softly to the boy. 

George sat up and nodded, his cheeks puffy and tear stained. 

"I broke things off with Angie" he said softly "but that's not the whole story. I really liked Angelina, I promise Bee. A few weeks before the Ball I started getting this little notes. I would have them in my desk addressed to me and they said the nicest things. I started replying to the notes, never knew who was it. I fell in love with whoever was behind the little notes, they spoke about me like something out of a fantasy. So after Christmas I decided to ask them to meet up with whoever was sending them and they said yes" his voice started to break. "They said yes and we met up 4 days ago in the Astrology tower. At first I thought they weren't coming. But oh Bee, out of nowhere Graham Montague showed up. It was him all this time. And he said the nastiest shit about me." he sobbed. 

"Oh Georgie, do you want me to break his neck?"

"It's just that... He was the first person I came out to and now I fear the whole school will know. I wanted to do this on my own terms and he just, ugh. He called me a freak for liking boys too. Do you think I'm a freak Bee?"

"What? Of course not George! You can't control this things. I'm not going to stop loving you regardless of how you identify yourself. He won't tell anyone, I'll tell you that much." 

"Please don't do anything wild" he pleaded. 

"I won't. I will just have a word with him."

"Do you think I'm unworthy of love?"

"George, George, look at me." she said in a sweet but stern voice. "You are worthy of love. They played you, and it was wrong of them, a hell of a dick move really. But you are worthy, and you are an amazing kid. And you deserve a love story out of the books. And you'll have it, and I'll be there the day of your wedding and we'll think back to this moment and it'll seem small and meaningless. I know it hurts right, but I'm here for you until it stops hurting. "

"Do you promise to stay by my side forever?"

"I promise you that we will be 80 and we'll have our grandchildren running around and we'll teach them our ways to prankster glory." 

George put his head in her lap, and they stayed there until dinner. 

"We should get to dinner, Bee" said George standing up. 

"You go to dinner, I'm not hungry." smiled at him. 

"I know you are not eating as much again, Bee. Is something up? Did Fred so something?"

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