25. The gut feeling

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"I'm telling you he is doing just fine, but I have a bad feeling about this, uncle Prongs."

"But do you know what could be wrong?" James asked Bee, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Oh it's Moody, 100%. Harry might not believe me, but the man's vibe is just off. Plus he always drinks out of this little bottle that smells like shit." 

"I know the bloke was kinda mad but it doesn't feel right. It's just weird."

"Dude I wish we hadn't given the freaking map to Harry, that way I'd know for sure." 

"You had the Marauder's Map?" James asked smiling. 

"We stole it from Filch first year and uncle Moony might have given us  a hint or too."

"Fucking Moony, the man, the myth, the werewolf." James laughed. 

"You know, Harry asks a lot about you guys and how he wishes you guys were proud of him. I want to help him, now more than ever, with the final task coming up an everything. And Snape is giving the boy hell. My god I just wanna slap the man."

"Does he still wear the cape?"

"Don't let me get started about the cape."  she laughed. 

"Snape's is just payback, but just be there for him. He won't tell you but the way he sees it, as much as he loves Sirius, you are his only family. He's been through hell, and going back to that house every summer doesn't help. They've made him feel worthless. They had him sleeping under the stairs for years. He just needs a little extra love Bee, you are doing things great."

"It just breaks my heart. He's gone through so much  and you can see it in his eyes. I fear for the day he can't take it anymore. I wished he stopped being the chosen one for one day so he could just be Harry." 


"Are you sure aunt Lily?" she asked.

"Yes, this is what James and I would play to him when he got sad as a baby. It calmed him down straight away. James told me how you're feeling. He'll be okay, he knows he's got you. We trust you with his life, we know you have protected him as much as you can." 


"Harry?" said Bee looking for the boy in the common room. 

"He's down at the pitch" said Ron smiling. 

Bee made her way to the pitch, laying next to him in silence. It was a comforting silence. They both sat up, and that's when it happened. Harry snapped. He started sobbing in her arms, the stress of everything going on finally getting to him. There's only so much a 14 year old can take. There is only so much you can go through pretending you are okay. The comments, the looks he got. The fact he'd have to go home soon.

"I can't do this anymore Bee, I'm so tired. This fucking sucks."

"Let it out bean, you've been holding everything in for so long." she rubbed his back. 

"I didn't want to do this in the first place. And then even Ron hated me and fucking Malfoy made the stupid banners and then you almost die. Bee I thought I had lost you, I would have lost a part of my soul. I don't want to lose my big sister."

"I did what I had to do, little one. I know you are tired and this has taken a toll on you. We have two options: we can pull through, get to the last task and finish this, or hide until the tournament is over."

"I don't want to hide, I'd never hear the end of it. Malfoy would..."

"Malfoy can sod off, Harry. He is a walking psa for daddy issues, he is taking it out on you. But next time I see the git I'll hex him until he can't come back from being a ferret if it makes you feel better."

"I love you, Bee. So much, I can't thank you enough. You have a lot on your plate and here you are, just listening to me as I rant. I wouldn't have done it so far without you. You are the best. As long as this finishes we are going out for ice cream, my treat. I know it is not much but..."

"Hey, it's the company that matters. Besides, you are my brother Harry. I'm not letting you slip away, I'd give an arm for you. We'll be okay, we are two very though cookies."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Harry's head rested on her lap as she played with his hair, relaxing at the touch. Following Lily's words, she started humming Andante, Andante by Abba, Harry smiling. 

"How'd you know?" he said before falling asleep. 

Bee smiled before carrying Harry to his bed. She put him under the covers and kissed his forehead. 

"I love you so much, bean" she whispered. "You've got this, I'm proud of you."

She left silently, and as she made her way through the common room she saw a familiar face. 

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

"Putting my brother to bed, dearest Lee" she said launching herself to the sofa. "Poor thing finally snapped. I feel so bad for him."

"Can I tell you something? Just don't get mad."


"Slow down in the taking care of all of us. You are going through a lot, you deserve a little time to yourself. We won't get mad. We adore you Bee. But I'm worried. The panic attacks are worst, you are eating less again and you need a break. And you have to let us help as well. Let us spoil you a little. I know Fred really wants to. And I do too. So tonight, come to our dorm, we'll listen to some music, eat and we will take care of you, okay?" Lee said to her. 

"Yeah, okay." she said following him. 

They got to the boy's dorm, Fred and George waiting already. 

"I got her!" said Lee. 

"Now if you would please, make yourself comfy." said George as he got onto the bed. 

As soon as she sat, Fred was doing her nails, George painting a facemask on her and Lee was feeding her some fruit. 

"You guys went all out, huh?" she asked. 

"Shush, let us spoil you love." said Fred while she closed her eyes, letting herself relax for the first time in weeks. 

Maybe Lee was right. Maybe she could take a break from being Wonder Woman to be just Bee, enjoying life, her boyfriend, and the best friends she could ask for.

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