126. The Twins

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"Where the fuck are they?" 

Remus, Reggie and Molly had never been this scared. Two damn wars, and what scared them the most was the girl who's water broke 3 hours ago and was in utter pain asking for her boys. Merlin, Remus was sure that his boggart had changed in that moment. It had downed on Bee that she was giving birth to two kids and that it would be intense, so the other three adults prayed for the three best friends to arrive as soon as possible. 

"My love we are here!"

"Thank fucking Morgana, here is the game plan, I have this birth figured out, I've orchestrated it."

"Such a virgo, isn't she?" 


"Sorry, go on."

 "Lee you are delivering the babies, any other healer and I promise you I will throw a fit a Karen could only dream of, I only trust you with this. Georgie I want you in the room in case Fred faints again, as soon as I start giving birth I want you to close the lights an open as many candles as you can, summon them, take them out of your ass, I don't care, but no lights." 

"Why?" Asked George. 

"When I gave birth to Sirius with my powers not that advanced the lights went crazy. Sure I haven't used them in a while but giving birth to twins will be longer and more painful so I don't want anyone affected in the hospital."

"What about me?"

"Freddie send a patronus to Gin and Harry, fuuuuuck- and to Mione and Fleur I want someone smart near just in case I get ripped in half or something."

Bee didn't even know what was she saying anymore at that point. The pain was too much and all she wanted was Fred holding her an telling her that everything was going to be alright, but the fact that they hadn't made up yet was holding her back. She couldn't give a flying fuck about Jessica or Mateo or anything, she just wanted her Freddie holding her, loving her, whispering little sweet nothings in her ear in order to calm her down. 

"Lee, I'm going to as you this once, give me something to stop the pain."


"Listen you and I both know that this will be a long ass birth, my water broke and we could be here for literal hours because nothing else has happened. But I am in so much pain right now, so I don't know, I don't mind if you give me a sleeping draught or just straight up weed. Well not weed it might be bad for the kiddos."

"I can't give you weed, but I do have something that might help you. Is it okay with you if it makes you a little drowsy?"

"Perfect, thank you dear. Can you fetch Freddie too please?" 

"It'd be my pleasure Bee. Anything for you." 

Fred thought he was going to pull a muscle from smiling so much. He was about to be a father again and Bee was asking for him. The second he got in the room he wasted no time, his lips went to her forehead, leaving soft kisses as his hand found hers, rubbing circles with his thumb. 

"Hold me, Freddie? Please?"

"Are you okay, love?"

"Bit sleepy, Lee gave me a potion thingy. Stay with me?"

"I'll always be by your side. Do you want me to do your make up? Like the last time? I've practiced on Lee just in case."

"No, no. I just want you to hold me, please."

"Okay, okay. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." Fred practically whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry love." 

"Not here, not now. I know you are sorry Freddie but this is not the time. After this whole thing we can sit down and talk it out but I just need the support right now, I'm really fucking scared."

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