88. Silent

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Arthur and Molly were waiting for Bee in the flat she shared with Fred. They were responsible with Lee to put her to bed, and check the state of the baby. Knowing the plan the Death Eaters had, the baby would not have been harmed in any way. George had sent them a Patronus, and the plan was simple: as Draco told them, they would have about 2 and a half hours to get to the basement and do the rescuing. They didn't suspect them there, so they had to be careful not to leave any trace, besides the missing pregnant woman of course. And the freaking chosen one. 

The second the Patronus was sent, they entered the house. It was maybe a little bit too easy, no guards, no nothing. Then again, they were taking one of their most important assets to St. Mungo's and there was no time to worry about spells. In Bellatrix's mind, the two sleeping kids in their basements would not wake up, and the others had not enough time to get there. She was confident things were going her way this time. She failed to realize Fred Weasley would stop at nothing to see his wife again. 

They didn't find an entrance to the basement quick. The clock wasn't running any slower and by the time they found out the tunnel was the fire place with some sort of password, spirits had started to run low. They had one hour left to get the two of them and leave unnoticed, but not even Draco could guess the password. 

"Maybe it's a tap, like in Hufflepuff?" 

"No it's for sure a password, George." 

"Well can't we at least try Malfoy? The baby I have to spoil in a near future is in there." 

"And Bee." Added Fred. 

"And Bee, yeah."

Remus took his wand and thought about it for a good minute before tapping a the bricks in a motion that no one but Hermione recognized. 

"They're Death Eaters Remus!" The girl retorted. "They wouldn't put a muggle song in there, specially not YMCA!" 

"It was the first thing that came into my mind, I'm nervous okay?" 

"Let's all calm down, please. We have 50 minutes left and we still have to get inside." Said Ron. 

"It's a word, for sure. I just know it." Draco kept on thinking out loud. "Maybe.." He turned around to the statue in front of the fire place. "Voldemort!" 

Nothing happened. Fred bit his lip, now it was when his anxiety kicked in. 

"We should make a list of all of the stuff they have in common. That way maybe something helps. 20 minutes maximum." He suggested, to which the lot agreed. 

"They all like to kill" started Ron making everyone groan. "What now?"

"You have the emotional range of teaspoon sometimes, Ronald." Hermione huffed. "Most of them were Slytherins." 

"That's it!" Draco shouted and placed himself in front of the statue again. "Pureblood." 

The statue suddenly split in half, and they were met by a long corridor. After whispering a few Lumos, and leaving a couple of people guarding the door, they made their way down the path. It had a lot of dust, and it started to get uncomfortable. And then they finally saw them. Bee was sound asleep chained to a bed, and Harry was chained awake to a bed post. 

"I've tried waking her up, but it's impossible" Harry uttered the second he saw his friends. 

"Harry it's Bee, it's impossible to wake her up as it is, imagine if taking a sleep inducing cupcake. Don't worry about it." Fred smiled and turned to Regulus. "Reggie, this is your niece Bee. She is a lot more fun when she is awake, I promise." 

Regulus was ready to start crying but he held it in. She had so much of Sirius in her, it had given him some comfort too. He had family! He couldn't help but notice the bump, and smiled. She had longed for a family of his own but now... It was almost impossible. 

They destroyed the chains and Fred carried Bee bridal style with the supervision of Charlie and Bill. The two of them insisted so she wouldn't get hurt. They cast a muffliato over themselves just in time, as they heard some very dangerous yet familiar voices come from outside. The two hours and a half were up. They hid all over the house and closed the fire place back again, again leaving no trace. Everyone made it safely outside but Fred, Bill and Charlie who were still holding the woman and hiding behind a big couch. As soon as the Death Eaters went inside the fire place Fred and his brothers made a run for it. 

They apparated home once outside, and Molly and Arthur took over. They put all the necessary spells to make sure the situation wouldn't happen yet again and Lee, who was now aware of the situation was checking to see that the baby was still alive. And it was. Now all they had to do was wait for her to wake up in the morning. 

"I need her to wake up so I can apologize." 

"So we're telling her then?" asked Ron. 

"Are you mad? Of course we ar-" 

"No." Fred simply interrupted. 

"Pardon?" Asked George. 

"We are not telling her. And it's final."

"Freddie, dear..." Started Molly only to get interrupted again. 

"No mum. Because one this would stress her out and it can hurt the baby and I don't want her to go into an early labor if it's not completely necessary. And two, she already is afraid of what will happen if we get an extra magical baby and I don't want her to go into the I don't know if I'm fit enough to be a good mum rabbithole yet again. So no, Bee will not know this happened. It'll be our secret, and to her this will be a dream. Nothing more." 

"But Fred I want to apologize to her!" 

"Lee you have nothing to apologize for! Literally. You were just a puppet, and that could have been any of us. It was bad luck, nothing else."


"This is final, all of this. She is my wife and I will protect her how I see fit. You don't see her the way I do. Trust me with this one." 

"What if something happens? After the birth a mean." Said Hermione after a hot minute of utter silence. 

"Nothing has to happen, and if it does... We'll go from there. But she needs a calm ending term of her pregnancy." 

Everyone decided to go home but Charlie and Bill, who did not agree with Fred but still wanted to spend a little time with his brother before going back home. When they left, Fred finally went to bed. 

"Damn Bee, when I used to tell you you could sleep through a war I never thought it be literally." he whispered looking at his wife with a little smile on his face. 

Fred spooned her and almost on instinct she reached for his hand a little smile playing on her lips. He kissed her forehead, and closed his eyes. It was the first night in many days Fred slept soundly, and when he woke up the same morning with his wife inside his arms he knew: everything was going to be alright. 


Hello lovelies!

She is out! But things are never as easy as they seem are they? I'm not going to spoil anything though hahaha. 

I just wanted to thank you all for your very sweets comments lately, today. Heartbreak sucks but you all make it a little easier. Either if you comment something funny, a simple YEEEES on a sentence or check up on yours truly, it makes my day. So thank you. In case no one told you today, you are loved and you are appreciated and cared for very much. 

Sorry I post chapters a little short, or a little late, but I'm taking care of my heart and putting the pieces together back again, so writing fluff is a little tricky sometimes. I'm trying my best but I'm sure you all know that. 

Stay tuned, because now that she has been rescued, it's a matter of chapters until we know the name of baby Weasley! 

-Berts <3

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