To my dear flowers

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Wow this will be sappy because I'm a mess.

If you are here, Hi hello! Thank you for reading Sunflower. This has been a hell of a ride but it's time to say goodbye to Bee and Fred. 

Sunflower was born as comfort after a terrible break up and hospital waiting rooms. I had 0 faith in anyone reading what I had to say and now some of you say this is your comfort story. It's crazy, I just wanted a place to let out a love story and now we have a little community. 

This, however, is not just my story. Oh no. It's yours. From ghost readers, to those of you who I've made friends with, those who have been there. I'm scared to end this, but it's time and I'm thankful to have had such loyal readers along the way. 

Thank you so much for reading. This story has been a love song to love and what it feels like to feel. It's just time. 

If you liked it, I have 4 other (5 maybe if you read this late enough so that I have started my Remus fic) books you might enjoy. Yes, one with Freddie too, come meet his story with Violet Lupin. I love him way too much to stop writing about him. Maybe I'll upload a chapter or two, little glimpses of Fred and Bee though the years on to the book, who knows. 

I know this book is not Golden Boy or any other known books, but you truly make me feel like the luckiest Author in the world. Yes, even with the Draco situation. You make me a better, happier author.  

If you don't want to read my other works (fair enough, honestly I won't get mad) but you'd like a gentle reminder from time to time or just a friend, hit me up in here, instagram, tik tok or twitter. I will answer as soon as I can. 

I love you, thank you for reading up to here. 

With all my love and a heavy heart, 


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