37. Too good to be true

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Harry had been having some terrible nightmares after what happened to Arthur and Umbridge almost finding out about the DA. So he had started to sneak up to Bee's room and sleep in her bed for comfort. After all, when Harry had nightmares as a child, all he could do was stare at the wall. There was no sleeping in his parents bed, no comfort. There was no one to rub his back when he was three and scrapped his knee playing at school. There was no one to hold him when he got scared of storms at five. So when Bee had stepped up to do so, Harry had finally a safe home to go to when he needed comfort. 

On this particular night, Harry had been shaking for hours. So when he couldn't take it anymore, he went up to Bee's dorm and went in. He woke Bee up and as soon as she woke up he started sobbing, and did so for hours. He was so so tired again. By the time he had fallen asleep, his head in Bee's lap as she played with his hair, Fred was already in her dorm, picking her up for breakfast like he had done every morning. 

Fred thought he would melt at the sight. He secretly loved how protective she was of him, because it reminded him of Ginny. He knew Harry was having a tough time, and upon learning what he did when he was upset, he stopped sleeping in Bee's room. He understood they needed the privacy. Bee peeled Harry of her, putting a pillow in her place so the boy wouldn't wake up. 

"You look a little tired."

"Well good morning to you too Fredrick."

"Aren't you going to give me a morning kiss?" he pouted. 

"Are you really asking me for a kiss after the first thing you told me this morning was and I quote 'you look tired'?" she rose an eyebrow. 

"Well yeah, I said you look tired, not you look ugly. Which you don't by the way you look beautiful like every morning." he said smirking. 

"Wait outside"

"What? Why?" he complained. 

"Because if you want to be a cheeky bastard I'm taking your staying in the room while I change privileges away"

"Will you really?"




They were walking hand in hand in the corridors to the Great Hall when they heard someone cough behind them, already rolling their eyes at the pink toad. 

"Miss Black, Mister Weasley, remember the rules, boys and girls can't touch each other."

"No can't do, Dolores." Said Bee.

"Excuse me?" 

"She said no can do. See?"

Fred grabbed her waist pulling her close. Bee catching what he wanted to do, she put her arms around his neck, latching their lips together. With the hand she had facing to Umbridge she gave the woman the middle finger, as Fred grabbed her ass. The pulled away giggling and left for breakfast. 

Not only they had been talking back, but they just stopped attending detention with Umbridge. The woman was loosing her mind because of those two. But it was their pay back. They were eating that morning when Harry approached them.

"You were gone this morning" said sitting next to her resting his head on her arm.

"I know bubs, I was just going to come here eat a little. You okay?"

"The scar hurts, but I'm okay, I'm fine." he stated. 

That night they had been waiting for weeks. They'd finally try to cast a Patronus charm and they were excited to say the least. Fred had thought a lot about what his favourite memory was going to be, bud sadly it hadn't happened yet. 

"Now let the memory fill you up, remember it will only stay as long as you continue to concentrate." Harry explained.

They were little gushes of light coming out of wands. Bee closed her eyes and let it fill her up. 

"Can you see him?" asked Bee to Remus outside the ministry. "He'll be here any minute. Are you nervous?" 

"Yes! But I really wanna see him Remus, I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for this moment. He's back, and he is okay and he is innocent!" 

Finally a man with long her and a coat stepped out of the Ministry, and almost on cue started running to Bee, the girl doing the same. They met in the most tender hug the world had ever seen. 

"Oh my girl, my sweet little girl how you've grown look at you. Oh my god, you are okay, you are real." he said hugging her tighter. 

"I've missed you so much dad, so much. You are going home, you are finally going home." She cried onto his chest. 

"Welcome back, Padfoot" said Remus said from behind them. 

"It's always so sweet to see you, Moony. Thank you for taking care of my little flower." 

"Bee you are doing it!" said Lee as he watched the light come out of her wand. 

Bee saw the little animal finally take form. An otter. 

"Look 'Mione we match!" she said happily. 

A little magpie started playing with the otter and Bee smiled. 

"Looks like your Patronus made a lovely friend" said Fred holding his wand up. 

As soon as they put their wands down, the wall in front of them exploded, revealing a very angry looking Umbrige. They were taken for questioning, none of them saying a word. Bee and Fred made their way to Fred's dorm, plopping themselves down on the bed. 

"This is surprisingly clean, Freddie. You even made your bed." 

"Well," he smirked, "gotta clean up when my lady is over." 

She simply laughed as he got up, putting an old vinil in the player. Bee recognised the song after the first chord. 

"Love of my life, huh?" 

"Come one love, I feel like dancing." 

She took his hand and Fred pulled her into his chest, gently swaying to Freddie Mercury's voice. 

"You know," said Bee "He is my second favourite Freddie."

"Who might be the first one?" asked Fred spinning her. 

"Well you of course" she whispered against his lips. "Never leave my side, Fred Weasley. You are the love of my life."

They slow danced as the moon watched them, in their own little bubble. Suddenly the music changed. Fred grabbed his brush and started dancing just like in the movie Bee had showed them this summer. 

"I love you baby, and if it's quite alright." he shouted.

"I need you baby, to warm the lonely night" she screamed back at him. 

After some very dramatic dancing and singing they were both laughing and Fred turned to his window, admiring the full moon. 

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" 

Bee turned around to watch the moon, but when she turned around, the view was even prettier. 

"Let's get married" whispered Fred on one knee, with the ring in his hands.

"Freddie what is going on...?" said Bee, smiling slowly. 

"Ok, Merlin, fuck. I know that we are young, I'm not saying we should get married tomorrow or in three years. But I love you so much. You have been the love of my life since before I met you and once I did I was complete. Shit I want to dance with you everyday for the rest of my life. I want to cuddle in my sofa, take your hand and feel the ring and know that I have fucked up several times, but I have done right by marrying you. I can't see myself spending my life with no one else. I want to wake up with you every damn day of my life and then read with you every night. You are my future, past and present. And I just want you here, holding my hand until the end of times. You and I against  the world, no matter what. So Bee, Arabella Cassiopeia Black, my love. Will you marry me?"

"You know what? Fuck it, let's do it. I will marry you, Fred Weasley." 

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