80. Weasley and kids

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Ever since she had announced her pregnancy, the Weasley boys had decided to collectively treat her like she was 9 months in already. Of course they wouldn't do that to Fleur, they tried, but she had cursed them in French and they didn't dare touch her ever since. So instead, they had to annoy Bee with their kindness. 

"Guys I'm not even 3 months in will you stop it?" 

And the answer was the same: no. Charlie was the one who spent the most time with her besides the Twins. He had bought a little stuffed dragon for the baby and one a little bigger for Bee. Every afternoon, after Bee closed the café, he'd go to the flat and ask to see if the bump was any bigger. It was showing a little already, but it seemed like it grew slowly. Charlie would talk a lot to the bump, claiming he was just convincing the baby to work with dragons beforehand. He liked Fleur, but since he knew Ginny would be late to the whole having kids thingy, this was the closest he'd be anytime soon to having a pregnant sister to spoil. 

"Fred is nervous, you know?"

"Is he really?" Asked Bee.

"Yep, he doesn't really know if he will be a good dad. But he's already so involved it's kinda cute."

"He's got nothing to be nervous for, he has already been great with kids for years."

Fred and Bee were walking in the Hogwarts corridors during their sixth year the first week, walking back from detention with McGonagall when soft cries made them stop. A first year Gryffindor was silently sobbing behind a bench, not being able to stop.

"You alright there buddy?" said Fred sitting down in front of the boy, with worried eyes.

The kid just shook his head no, sobbing harder. He looked at Bee, it was waaay past their curfew and going to the common room with a crying kid was just another detention to add to the list. Bee sat down next to Fred, looking at the poor boy in front of her.

"What's your name, little one?" she asked as softly as she could.

"Fabian" he almost whispered.

Bee and Fred looked at each other and smiled softly again, the girl cupping his face with her hands and wiping away the little tears. 

"Well you have a beautiful name."  She said smiling. "I'm Bee and this is my best friend Freddie. Can you tell us what's wrong? We are in sixth year, we might be able to help." 

"I had a bad dream and I miss being home, I thought Hogwarts would be fun."

"Come on" said Fred standing up. "We'll show you just how fun Hogwarts can be." 

Fred took one of the kid's hands and Bee took the other one. The made their way to Filch's office, the old bat not back yet from doing his rounds. 

"Look at this, Fabian." Fred said waving his wand a muttering a spell. A spark formed inside the office, a little box flying towards them and landing in Bee's hands. "This is what Filch has taken this year from my brother and I. You can have it." 

"Really?" the boy smiled big.

"It's all yours! And now, watch again." He yet again whispered a spell, and snow started falling inside the office, making the little boy giggle. 

"Students out of bed!" 

The three of them turned around to see Filch going towards them. 

"Fabian hold on tight!" 

Fred sat Fabian on his shoulders and grabbed Bee's hand and ran to the common room, the poor kid almost flying over his shoulder several times. The moment they got to the common room Fred put the little boy down, still laughing. The both of them went down to his eye level again, and Fabian hugged them both, lingering on Fred a little longer, as to thank him. 

"I still can't believe he gave up most of his prank stash to little Fabian." she smiled at the memory of the little boy, who still owled them from time to time to tell them about the pranks he pulled. 

"He has always been a big softie, but he'd only show it with you." Charlie said with a cheeky grin. "Has he ever told you when was the first time saw you as a mother?" 

"I think it might have been with either Draco or Harry." 

"Oh no, not at all!" the man practically jumped of the sofa. "Merlin he told us when you were out cold after saving Remus." 

Harry had yet another another big breakdown in the silence of the common room, crying himself in Bee's lap. Fred had noticed she was missing from his bed, as they had been cuddling in his bed and the boy had fallen asleep. He went down to the common room, and sat waited at the door frame for her to notice him. 

Eventually Harry fell asleep, but so did Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus in the sofas around them. The second she noticed she got up, and fluffed everyone's pillow. Next she placed blankets in all of their bodies, tucked them in and kissed their foreheads. 

"Oh!" She said as she noticed him there. "Didn't see you there, Freddie." 

She walked up to him, pecking his lips as he put his hands on her hips and rested her forehead on his. 

"You are really cute, did you know that?" he whispered. 

"I know but will you say it again?" 

"You are the cutest, darling." 

"Taking care of the boys huh?" 

"I didn't want them to get too cold. Remember when they were in their first year? Oh Seamus blowing everything up." 

"He still does that, to be fair." He pointed out. 

"Give him a break, the poor thing doesn't intend to do so." 

Fred smiled down at her, amazed how someone could be this sweet. It was little moments like this where his mind  couldn't help but wander around to the future, how would she look with a baby of their own, maybe married, living at Grimmaulds Place with Sirius and Remus. If they were to have a baby, he wanted Sirius to be around them to tell the stories about the Marauders and to teach the kids that in the end, blood status is bullshit. He knew Sirius had a lot to offer as a granddad, and it would be good for the kids to grow up seeing to men loving each other as the normal thing it really was. 

How different things were going to be from now. Moony would have to be the one to tell the stories Sirius once told with such passion, they'd so far live in the flat, and sadly, they would tell them about the war they had fought in their twenties. About the Order. They would tell them about The Potters and the Boy Who Lived, about the adventures of their uncle Harry. The kid would grow up knowing about uncle Georgie and uncle Lee's pranks with their parents at Hogwarts, about aunt Ginny's Quidditch matches and uncle Charlie's dragons. Because times might have been tough, but they had such a magical family, they had a bond not many people shared. 

Those kids would grow up with one of the greatest love story ever told, the one created by their parents. 


Hello lovelies! I'm so soft. I wanted to give you guys a sweet little filler about the parents with kids a glimpse into the past for the future. Something sweet before the storm comes.

Also, Fred wanting Sirius there for the kids... ouch. 

I also wanted to thank specially @iamaweasleyforlife and @greenslytherwitch for being such lovely people. You guys make my day with your comments, so I wanted to dedicate this one to you two. Thank you x

- Berts <3

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