87. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

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The lot were camped outside the manor. It was night already and knowing Bee and Harry weren't going back home they decided that the sensible thing would be camp outside, wait for movement and of course, introduce Regulus to society. Fred smiled a little. Just when Bee thought she had lost most of her family, she gets grandparents and now a new uncle. She'd be so happy about it. Remus told Fred a little about Regulus, the ginger man fascinated by his story. 

"Sickle for your thoughts?" asked Regulus sitting down next to Fred, the two of them the only ones awake. 

"Just thinking about her." Fred said. 

"Tell me about Bee, tell me about my niece."

"Well she was born on August the 28th, she's 20, almost 21. Her mum's name is Ane, a muggle." Regulus remembered very faintly the Ane girl, he remembered seeing her at King's Cross. "Ane was killed with the Potters and Sirius was framed for it, so Bee grew up with good ol' Moony. She has also special powers, that's why they want her. She was key to killing MoldyVold. And now she owns a café in Diagon Alley, next to our shop."

"When did you two meet?" 

"First year at Hogwarts, saw her and fell, but it took me 6 bloody years to ask her out. Six! And Pretty Boy Diggory and that sod Oliver Wood tried to woo her too but turns out she liked me all along. And even then I was hesitant about her being my girlfriend, because you'll see when you meet her, she is brilliant! And when I asked her she got kidnapped!" Fred rambled like a little kid who just got asked what he had gotten for Christmas. "But we got her back, and then we found a place in Diagon Alley and then I proposed in our seventh year because I would have married her in our third one, but we had to wait. And now she is pregnant and I just can't help but feel like I have everything, you know? I got the girl and now I get to make memories with her and the little bean and the upcoming other beans and and oh Merlin I'm sorry you only asked how did we meet." Fred blushed. 

"That's okay, I like hearing about her. She seems like one hell of a girl. Reminds me of her father." 

"Oh she so much like Sirius! But it's mostly in the little things, you know? Simple things, like the way they care about people or how they swear oh and of course, the dancing." 

"You two remind me of Sirius and Remus."

"We do?" 

"Oh yes. Sirius and I didn't have the best relationship nor did we share Hogwarts houses, but that didn't stop me from taking care of him from the distance, so I watched Wolfstar happen from the very beginning." 

15 year old angsty Remus had enough of full moons. He had just ended yet another night in the torn house outside Hogsmeade, unaware his screams of pure hurt had named the house. It was January and his torn clothes were not helping the cold sensation in him. He knew he had to be careful, he couldn't afford new clothing every month but he didn't make it on time this month. Sure, the potions helped, but Remus didn't see himself worthy of those, or his friends. 

He shivered as he exited the house, a figure sat in the stairs half asleep. Remus didn't have to think much about who was the guy sat at the steps, his long hair and leather jacket gave it away perfectly. 

"Sirius have you slept out here?" 

"I didn't know when would you stop so I just woke up extra early to bring you this." 

Sirius handed him a big puffy jacket, a grandad-looking sweater and a scarf. Remus knew better than to protest with Sirius so he just put it on. By the touch of it, he knew Sirius had bought them and they were brand new, maybe even expensive. Remus noticed a little cylinder in Sirius hand and two mugs. 

"It's Saturday and it's cold, so I figured we could have a little coffee. Spiked." 

"Are you really telling me you want to drink at 7 am in the morning?"

"It's always 5 somewhere, am I right? Plus, it won't get you drunk Moony, I promise." 

Sirius won't ever tell Remus, but he had made it his special mission in life to make Remus feel normal again, not like the monster he thought he was. His Moony was such a special person to him. So Sirius decided to do nice things in secret. Maybe it was buying a new book for him from time to time and leave it in his bed, or replacing clothing Remus was far to shy to admit that needed replacing. He'd always be his first love, and that is not something easy to forget. 

So there they sat until James and Marlene joined them. They brought some food and they sat at the steps of the house, feeling warm even though the temperature wasn't high at all. They were his family, and just for this once, Remus let his guard down and enjoyed his friends. Enjoyed the warmth of those who made him feel special, who made him feel human. 

"Sirius died a happy man. He was free, he had Moony and he got to spend time with his daughter. It really sucks he can't be here to be the granddad we all know he would be." 

"Please, knowing he would have gone a full on crisis about his age and then he would spoil the baby to the max. I'm sure that if you look somewhere you'd find little leather jackets." 

It was true. No one really checked Sirius stuff that deep, and hidden in his closet, there were 4 tiny leather jackets. Fred and Harry didn't know, but outside the little jackets, in the most Sirius way, the man had "Weasley" and "Potter" painted in the back. He longed for the day he saw his grandchildren grow up, graduated Hogwarts, hell, even falling in love. He longed to see his daughter with a baby in his arms, giving the baby the same love she had seen at home. But Sirius was gone long before he could see his daughter hold her baby, too soon to see the loving eyes of the child who would grow up being the luckiest kid in the world. 

"When all of this is over, I'm taking her on our honeymoon. We'll leave the kid with mum and I'll take her away a week or two."

"Haven't you been married for a while now?"

"Yes, but we had to go hiding just after the wedding because of the war. We never really got to go, travel, see the world. I wanted to take her to Italy, to eat some proper pizza." 

Draco, who had been doing rounds woke everybody up. It was time. 

"They are taking Lucius to St. Mungo's. There will be no one in the house, it is now or never. Bring Bee back to the flat, put the spells you have to put, and then leave her to me and Lee, we'll explain everything and check if there has been damage done to the baby. She took the bigger piece so she might not wake up right away. Just remember, this is not a come. She'll wake up confused, but fine." Draco explained. 

It was their only opportunity, and Fred was as ready as ever to kick their asses and bring his wife home. It was time. 


Hello my lovelies! 

This was a Wolfstar filler, but the jacket details are important to the story. I don't have much to say, I just wanted to check up on you all. Are you okay? What did you do today? I hope you are happy, drink some water and stretch!!! 

I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of how this fic comes to life. This past few days I've been going to the park to write (we are plants with complicated feelings, go get some Sun!!!!) and writing in this notebook. I even have a three playlists for this fic!!!! (One for Fred and Bee, one for Wolfstar and one to get inspired). 

We have the rescue next, and a chapter that has me crying already

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We have the rescue next, and a chapter that has me crying already. And the birth!

- Berts <3

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