111. Baby Bee

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It was a sunny spring afternoon in 1981. Sirius, Remus, James, Lilly and Ane were in the Potter's backyard, watching the blonde girl speak to Lilly and the very prominent bump.

"So there is a baby?"

"Yes love, do you want to see it?"

"Can I?" Asked Bee, her green eyes bright with amusement.

Lilly got up as Bee turned to her father and best friends, a hand clasping around her mouth in a gasp, making the three men melt at her wonder. She lowered her hand to show them a toothy grin, and pointed to the direction Lilly had gone off too.

When the red haired woman approached Bee again, she had a little ultrasound with her. Bee turned the picture around several times, trying to find the baby Lilly had in her belly. Lilly put the paper in the right direction for her, and pointed to the little bean like figure in it.

"It's the bean?"

"Yes, it is the bean."

"I'm going to call him that, I like bean." The girl stared at the bump, as if she was trying to figure something out, fidgeting with the sleeves of her little leather jacket, matching with her dad. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"The baby is a boy. What names do you like?"

Bee thought about it for a second before jumping off the sofa and running to James' arms, whispering something in his ear making the man laugh, Wolfstar looking at them amused.

"Bee, I think T-Rex Sunflower super Bean might be a little too long for the name." Said James, pursing his lips together so that he wouldn't laugh again.

"That's why we can call him Bean for sure, like Bee!" She explained, thinking it would make absolute sense to everyone. She thought being named T-Rex would be the absolute coolest name in the world

"Do you like any other names?" James asked, tucking her hair besides her ear gently.

"Hmmmm I like Harry, but I'm still going to call him Bean, it is way cooler."

James and Lilly didn't plan to choose the name of the baby like that, but something about naming it Harry felt right. Harry James Potter, named by her soon to be big sister. Because that's how Bee thought of him already, not a cousin but a brother.

Bee jumped from James' arms to Remus'. The girl had visited the Weasleys twice now and the twins, who had liked her very much, had taught her how to climb stuff, meaning, she now would climb them like a koala. Remus had no doubt the three of them would have a great time running around Hogwarts, and with a war coming Bee needed the touch of innocence the Weasleys held.

Her little hands traced Remus' scars, giggling. She thought they were tiger stripes, no one had the heart to tell them where they were from.

"Will Harry have tiger stripes just like you?"

"Who knows, sunshine." Remus said quietly, his heart aching at the thought of little Harry holding the same fate as him.

"I like your stripes, uncle Moony. They are super cool."

Remus hugged the girl tight, it was moments like this where he didn't feel like a monster. He felt normal, he even felt cool. She had never been scared of him and that brought Remus great comfort. It wasn't just a nickname, she truly was their sunshine.

The three men sat down with Lilly and Ane, the former setting the girl on her lap. Sirius looked at them lovingly, after years of ups and downs, he had a family of his own, a happy family. She watched as Bee climbed to her mother's shoulders, sitting in them and grabbing her head in order not to fall.

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