109. Before the storm

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Bee woke up the morning they were supposed to leave feeling extremely sick. She hadn't felt nervous until she they actually had to leave. Or so she thought. They had the pendant and they knew where they were going.

Fred was next to her holding her hair and rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. It was the third day in a row she had been sick in the morning and Fred was worried about Bee getting sick before the trip, but she said it was nothing and refused to at least go to Lee before they parted their way to Ireland.

"Are you sure you can leave today?"

"Freddie it's nothing, just nerves. The thought of Sirius not recognizing me terrifies me."

"He will. I spoke to Neville and him and Draco went the extra mile to make sure the baby knows us and recognizes us. And I'm sure he'll love you, and his new room. And we'll go out and the three of us will run around and have fun in the grass."

"Promise. Promise me that this will be our future. I know I say a lot that we have to move on but I'm so fucking scared Fred. We waited for years for this, for us, our family and if something were to happen I couldn't go on."

"I promise, love. We'll get home safe, we'll get our happy ending."

"What about my powers Freddie?"

"What about them?"

"I'm scared I'll hurt him. I don't know how to control them. I've killed two people Fred. His mother is a murderer."

Fred stared at her. She was tecnically right. But so was he, he had killed Adrian in battle. But he couldn't see her as a murderer. She was his sweet Bee. The same girl who would cuddle him back at Hogwarts, the same girl who would still blush when he kissed her nose.

"Freddie" she said breaking him out of his train of thought. "I've become what I feared the most."

"Love, both of them were self defence. Murder is never okay, but we can do nothing about it now. Sirius will grow up with loving parents and right now it is all that matters. We love each other. We have for years, and that is stronger than anything."

"Are you trying to justify murder to me, Fred Weasley?" She smirked through the tears.

"I'm trying to make you feel better you dumbass! Come here." Fred opened his arms and she crawled in, just as he kissed her head.

"I smell like shit."

"Yes you do. But that's okay. You are still pretty."

"Ah, charming Fred. Really." She smiled against his chest. "Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?"

"Pft you'll make a really hot old lady. I'm sure we will be one of those eldery couples who are suuuuper sexual, I can hear Lee and George gagging already."

"That's because we are." Said George from the door, as him and Lee sat down next to them in the bathroom of their new house. "We just came to say goodbye before you all go to The Burrow, mum will be feral."

"What are you doing on the floor, by the way?"

"Oh I just got sick." Dismissed Bee.

Lee raised an eyebrow at the couple. When you have caught your friends going at it this much in your life, you just have one thought, naturally.

"Have you guys been using protection?"

Bee went pale as Fred grinned, he knew where this was going and he was more than on board. Bee on the other hand was scared, and didn't quite know if she was willing to go through a pregnancy again.

"I'll take the silence as a we have been fucking like rabbits and not using protection."

"Lee I love you but Imma need you to shut up."

"This could very well be morning sickness Bee, you have keep the option in mind."

"I'm sure this is just anxiety."

"What if it's not?" Asked Fred. "Maybe we should take a test. If it's negative, we go. If it's positive we can evaluate the situation and do what feels the best for you, what you feel comfortable doing."

"Are you sure? I don't want us to chicken out because of a possible pregnancy. If it was up to me we'd wait until we had Sirius back home."

They finally agreed to get a pregancy test and take it right there. Lee went to get it as Fred and George calmed the girl down a little. It was there, the possibilities of more kids and Fred was secretly praying to Merlin for twins. Boys, ideally, but he wouldn't mind a little girl to spoil rotten.

"So, we agree on Harry and Lee for the godparents?" Asked Bee.

"I'm fine with it darling." Fred stopped for a second. "What if it's twins?"

"Then Charlie and Mione, of course. Do you think it will be twins?"

"It does run in the family..."

"Oh fuck me." She groaned in annoyance.


"Fred stop! I'll get super big! I won't be able to walk! You won't be able to kiss me!"

Before Fred could protest, Lee was back with the test.

"Are you lot going to stare at me while I pee on a stick?"

"Yes." Answered the three of them.

She rolled her eyes as she peed, the four of them waiting for what it seemed like forever. After the 5 minutes passed, Bee just tossed the test to Fred.

"I can't look, you do it!"

"I can't either, Georgie you do it!"

After tossing the stick between the four of them, George was the one to finally look at the results. He grinned as he turned the test around.

"Welp, looks like Lee will be godfather. Now we should start packing."

"Not so fast miss thing! Me? A godfather? And you spray this information on me and say let's pack?"

"Well we kinda have to be in the Burrow soon, so I guess so."

"Me, godfather!" Lee gushed. "I'm going to be as cool as Remus!"

The four of them helped Bee and Fred pack, the esentials, money and a bag for Molly to put food in.

"Are you guys sure you don't want me to come? You will need a healer and if you aren't back before Christmas that is already your first trimester."

"Lee, I'm not planning on being out more than two weeks."

"Are you sure about this?"

"As I'll ever be. Bellatrix won't ever touch the kid again."


Hello my beauties!

Baby number 2!!!! Do you think it'll be twins???? We're about to get intense in here! I'm excited for the journey!

Today's gentle reminder is to go eat something nice, maybe something you've been craving. But eat, your body needs fuel. You deserve to be gentle with yourself, and you deserve happiness. I'm happy you've made it to today! You go bestie!!! I'm so so so so proud of you it goes beyond words, keep on shining my love!

- Berts <3

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