116. Guilty eyes

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TW: Fred Weasley being a dumb bitch 


Bee examined her best friend, who was wearing one of her dresses in front of the mirror. Truth be told, Lee had been there for a little while, going through her wardrobe. But he didn't expect her, not at all, at least not that early. 

"Lee? Are you okay? What are you doing?" 

"I- I-" 

"Hey, hey. Breath, okay? I'm not mad at you, tell me what's going on." 

"I wanted to check something."

"Okay? Can you elaborate, please?" She asked softly, trying to understand what was going on in Lee's mind. 

"I've kinda been ignoring something for years, and now it has just come back at once. Bee, I don't think I fully identify as a man." 


"I just wanted to see if wearing something a little more feminine would help. And it did. Sorry I barged in, you are the only woman I know that won't judge me for this, and I don't fit into Ginny's clothes." He chuckled, not daring to meet her eyes. 

"So you identify as? 

"I don't know yet, I think it's a fluid thing. This is recent, something I bottled it for so long, I just need to discover it now.  I don't want to label it, I found a collective in London, I'm going next week to get some more information." 

"I'm here for you, you know that right?"

"You're not mad?" 

"Oh Merlin Lee no! No! Why would I? You are my best friend, I'll love you regardless of who you love and what do you identify as. If anything, I'll be there to support you every step of the way. Borrow my clothes, hell I'll even teach you how to do your make up if you want me to. But never, never doubt my love and loyalty for you."

A thunder of guilt flashed in Lee's eyes, not daring to meet hers. Fred had barged in that same night, extremely wasted and told them he ended up making out with Jessica and that he was in deep shit. George said that as long as they didn't sleep together it could pass as a drunken mistake, something she would forgive. Lee on the other hand, hated that they were going to pass on telling her and take advantage of her kindness and the love she had for Fred. This was something big the twins had forced Lee to hide, and seeing just how willing she was to help made them feel bad.

"So the bra downstairs is yours?" 

"Borrowed, actually." 

"Merlin for a second I thought Fred had cheated, I was ready to whoop his ass." She laughed, making Lee force out a laugh too. "I was hoping to find him here, we had a row last night and I wanted to say sorry, Moony really knocked some sense onto me. Plus how bad would it be if he cheated now that the twins are coming?" 

"Right, it'd be awful." 

"But nothing has happened, and we finally get our family and our happy ending, and that's what matters the most. I'm going to be the bigger person, I won't let the love of my life leave, not today."

"I- You are too pure for this world. Listen Bee I gotta go, but I will take you up on the offer about the make up."

"Oh, alright. Owl me if you need anything. I love you to infinity and beyond, Lee."

That afternoon, Fred and Bee talked everything out. Well, not everything. Fred didn't tell her how after a good 10 drinks Jessica had made a move and he didn't decline. He was so drunk he really couldn't stop her, but that was a shitty excuse, and Fred knew it more than anyone else. So he kept quiet.

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