114. Harry, meet James

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"Bee" Fred whispered. "My love, wake up please. Sirius won't eat his breakfast, please help." 

Bee groaned from under the covers, they had just discovered upset Sirius was... A pain in the ass to deal with. They loved the kid but he was so dramatic when he got upset, it would drive his parents nuts. She made her way downstairs, seeing Fred trying to feed him some toast with no success. Bee kissed Fred and placed Sirius in the counter. 

"Why are you upset, honey?" 

Sirius just huffed. 

"I know what will make you feel better." Bee said turning around and going to the fridge. "Your grandpa Moony used to do this for me when I got upset in the mornings." She said turning to Fred while putting the four different spreads in the toast. "Will put some music for us, darling?" 

Fred nodded and put some Abba in the record player, spinning around and dancing with Bee as Sirius clapped and laughed. She knew her kid, because it was almost like a game of  finding who did he inherit the trait from. If it wasn't her then it was Freddie, and she knew her husband enough to know how to deal with it. 

At about 10 am, when Fred had taken Sirius with him for work, Harry came in through the fire place, looking for her sister. She placed a cup of tea in front of him as they drank in silence. 

"This is insane, Bee." 

"No it's not, I've already told you. We should do this." 

"What about Fred?"

"What about him?" 

"He'll be upset with the both of us."

"I know Fred and because I know him I know he is making everything in his hands to get me to stay and not find Lucille once the time is over. But I've got to go. I want you all safe and it is the only way. So I've I practice my powers, I'll be there less time." 

"What if it goes wrong?"

"Listen, best case scenario, you meet your parents, you get to see Sirius and say goodbye to Draco. Worst case scenario, we get stuck for a couple days, it'll be fine. Plus if I do this I can bring Sirius to meet them before I get too big." 

The thought of finally meeting his parents convinced Harry really fast. The two of them made their way to Fred and Bee's room and laid in the unmade bed, holding hands. Bee closed her eyes and started counting, to try and trigger the vision, and soon enough, everything started spinning.

"Bean, open your eyes, we did it!" 

Harry opened his eyes slowly, taking in the surrounding white space. The only other time he had seen this was when Bee had gotten kidnapped. The two walked around, Harry waiting for something to happen, someone to appear. Now that this was happening he was getting really anxious at the prospect of finally meeting James and Lilly. 

"You know I thought he'd grow out of being your spitting image, James." 

"Dad!" Bee ran to him and hugged Sirius tight. 

Harry stayed behind, observing the scene, as it unfolded. There was Sirius and his dad, but not his mother. He wanted to hug his mother. 

"Oh right, Bean, come here" She grabbed Harry and pushed him forward. "Harry, meet James. Your dad." 

James examined the boy, and before Harry could answer, they melted in the most sincere hug the universe had ever witnessed. Bee and Sirius began to take a walk, leaving the father-son duo to catch up a little, give Harry some time with the man he had missed most. 

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