17. Perfect dresses and second dates

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"Hey, bean" said Bee to Harry sitting at the breakfast table. "You are coming with me to help me buy the dress for the Yule Ball plus we have something important to discuss."

"We do?"

"Yes, now hurry up, cause I have a date with Fred after lunch and I don't wanna be late."

"Is he taking you to the ball?" ask Hermione with a big smile.

"He is yes, he asked me a few weeks ago."

The days had bled into weeks and it was now mid-november and the time for the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Also, it was time for Fred and Bee's second date. Fred had asked her the moment he knew when the trip was and she was more than eager to get to that second date. 

However, there was something Bee had to do, and that was talking to Harry. Bee got dressed for the day, some jeans and Fred's F sweater which she still had from their last date. She also put some make up. She liked looking good for Fred, but she loved the confidence for herself. Harry and Bee were walking through the small village, entering a shop full of gowns.

"Now, you pick 3, I'll pick 3 and see where we go from there."

Once the two of them had their gowns, Harry sat on a little chair, and waited for her to try on the first dress. 

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"You know I had a dream a few days ago. Well I thought it was a dream anyways. It wasn't" She said coming out of the dressing room. 

Harry simply shook his head and scrunched his nose. 

"You're right is ghastly." she said entering back. "You see, your mother spoke to me. Apparently part of the prophecy thingy is that I can talk to dead people. And revive stuff too. But it will take a toll on my health." she said zipping up a white dress. 

"You look like a bride. Also, you spoke to my mum?"

"Yes and yes." she said going back in. "Aunt Lilly was the one who explained everything to me. And like, I'm curious to see what is this about but I don't know if dad will let me do anything about it." 

She zipped up another dress, this one being yellow and very revealing. 

"Fred would have a heart attack but so would Snape. Next one." Harry said as she nodded. "How is she? My mum I mean."

"Oh Harry she is just so beautiful, so gentle. Her presence was like a hug. And you look so much like her. She said we are everything they expect us to be, which is pretty wicked if you ask me. She also said she is proud of you. We all are, bean. Oh my god Harry I think this might be the one."

Harry smiled at her words. When she came out of the dressing room Harry gasped. It was a sleeveless lilac gown with a long skirt, fluffy skirt, and a tight corsé top, laced at the back. She looked gorgeous. 

"It is the one! Oh my god." 

"Then I'm taking this one." she smiled at her reflection. 

She had the dress, and with a great shopping experience. Harry and her still had a little time, so they decided to sit on a bench and to speak for a little bit. 

"So you and Fred? Are you official?"

"We are going on a second date so I hope it is sometime soon. I've liked the git for so long it's crazy."

"Well it's been the same for him. Is he treating you well?"

"He is, don't need to get the protective brother act going!"

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