A bit of a surprise...

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Hello my loves! I hope all is well with you all. I wanted to check in on everybody and I also have a little announcement.

You might be thinking, "So, is Sunflower back?" The answer is YES! (Sorta). I have a few extra chapters of Sunflower ready to go (you know, life with kids, stuff at Hogwarts you never got to read, ...) but! There is something a bit more important.

My lovely flowers, after giving it some thoughts and after it being requested by some people I can finally tell you all... SUNFLOWER WILL HAVE A PREQUEL!

You'll get to see... Life with the Weasleys (yes, Charlie and Bill content), Sirius getting out of prison, the first kiss, Bee and the girls... In a lot more depth! I'm still working on the format but you guys will be the first to know when it is up.

I'm going to remind you all I have a few  more fics out that will also be updated soon!!!! Aaaaaand I'm working in another one since I have a bunch of time now. When I have a schedule that is stable enough I'll update you guys on how everything will work.

This is a lovely time to remind some of you that I am human and I have feelings, so PLEASE stop lighting my inbox on fire when someone you love dies or a character's description isn't to your liking. I'm working very hard to make the books as inclusive as possible, but I have to educate myself in order to create storylines that are honest with reality and this doesn't happen in a week or two. I want to do this right so pretty please give me a chance to read, talk and of course, learn from my mistakes.

Thank you for reading, I love you, and if you guys need anything, I'm here for you. Always will be.



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