23. The graveyard

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Here we go again, Bee thought at the familiar place. 

"Who am I seeing today?" she asked, looking for the people she assumed she'd see today. 

"Agh if it isn't the newest addition to the family! Welcome, Weasley" Said Gideon to her. 

"Is it only you today?" 

"Seems like it!"

 "Oh and hey I'm just Fred's girlfriend we're not getting married."

"You are nuts if you don't think the kid won't marry you. I hope you want a wedding at the lake back at the Burrow because Molly has the whole thing planned."

"You are not serious right now, Gi."

"Oh but I am... She will flip when she knows you are dating. By the way, when you finally get the boy, call me Gideon. And then tell me." said Gideon laughing. 

"Hey Gi, can I ask you something?"

It felt weird, really. She had gotten quite close to Gideon and her uncle James. She had to remind herself they were dead. Fun uncles, but dead uncles. She felt guilty getting attached to them, but she couldn't help it. After all, this was people who were meant to be in her life but never got the chance to meet. 

"Sure, buttercup." Gideon said. 

"When do you reckon I'll be able to see mum? I'm happy and thankful to be able to see you all I swear. But I want to see her. I kinda feel like Harry now. I just want to hug her. I want her to tell me she's proud of me and I want to tell her about Fred. Last time dad and I went to her grave he told her that Fred and I were going to get together. And I just really miss her Gi, I really do."

"I'm not sure, bean. We don't know that much about it. But she is proud of you, I can tell you that much. Why don't you go to her grave with Fred? Introduce her. She'll be happy. Aaaand if you do, please leave some chocolate by my grave, I miss that. Does Remus still use chocolate to cope with everything?"

"Yes he does" she laughed softly. "You know what, you are right. I've meaning to for years now. That's one awkward way of meeting the parents aye?" she laughed. 

As per routine she woke up and gasped. Only this time she couldn't breathe at all. Yet another panic attack. She shook Fred awake, who turned on the little lamp besides his bed. Her eyes were filled with tears as she felt like she was choking. 

"Here, love. I'm here. You are here. Can you point 4 blue things for me?" 

She did so. Lee and George got up as well, George going to the common room to get her some tea and Lee pulling her hair in a ponytail. 

"Great job love, now, can you point 5 red things for us? No pressure." 

She pointed at 5 things, steadily grounding herself as she pointed more things. George came back with the cup of tea, handing it to her. 

"Good girl, small sips, don't rush" Fred told her as she started to lean into him. 

"Are you feeling better, Bee?" asked a very worried George. He knew this attacks came with her powers, and as much as he wanted to tell Fred, he understood it was not his place to tell. 

"I am, yeah. Thank you guys."

The three of them decided to move the beds, and get a little old school projector out. They did have class the next day, but their friend and a sleepover seemed more important. They all cuddled in the now big bed, the movie playing in the background. Bee was the first one out, as the panic attack had worn her out. Next out was Lee, leaving the twins awake. Fred was playing with Bee's hair. 

"Hey Freddie?" said George,  a hint of fear in his voice. 

"Yeah Georgie?"

"I'm bisexual." stated George, looking at his twin. 

"I'm guessing that had something to do with the Graham situation?" 

"Yeah. I'm glad Bee took care of that, honestly." said George smiling at the girl in his brothers arms "Treat her well Freddie. Or I'll kick your ass. She is family now."

"She's always been, hasn't she?"


"Come on Freddie" she said tugging at his sleeve. 

They were sneaking out from Hogwarts to do as Gideon had told her to do. And Fred felt just as nervous as if he was actually meeting the woman. He had barely slept for three nights in a row. He just wanted things to go well. He had a bouquet of sunflowers with him, to leave on the grave as he knew it would make Bee happy. 

As soon as she laid the little blanket they saw down.

"Hi mum, it's me. Gi gave me an idea, and I think it's nice so here I am. Shit, I don't know how to do this, so here goes nothing. Mum, this is Fred. I mean you know him. Let me rephrase that. Mum, this is Fred, my boyfriend" she said smiling at the word boyfriend. 

"Hola Miss López. Bee has told me much about you. Sorry I don't know Spanish, Sirius told us you were from there but I haven't heard Bee speak proper Spanish yet." Fred smiled. 

"Oi!" she protested.

They spent a good chunk of the afternoon updating her about everything going on: George, the tasks, the Yule Ball, everything. Fred didn't feel awkward, he actually felt full of love. It was such an intimate thing she was sharing with him. He felt grateful she was willing to do so. Bee's heart felt like it could jump out of her chest. Seeing Fred do what she and her dad had been doing for her birthday for years made her feel at home. Fred was her home. 

"Freddie, can you stay here for a minute? I have to go give this chocolate frog to a friend. I'll be right back." she said standing up and pecking his lips. 

Fred made sure she was far enough when he started speaking. 

"It's taken me like 6 year to get the courage to ask your daughter out, can you believe it? But I'm not letting her go anytime soon. I mean I know I shouldn't say this being 16 and been just dating for a little while and all but I am soooo going to marry her. You should have seen her at the Yule Ball, she looked angelic. And I can't help but think, why me? You know? Like, have you met your daughter? She could have anyone she wanted. And yet she's here by my side. I must be the luckiest bloke in all of the universe. I've waited so long for this. And I almost lost her for some reason at the second task and it hit me. She's the one, Ane. Can I call you Ane? Sorry about the rambling really. What I wanted to say is that I promise to you I'll take care of her with all I have. But I need to know you approve of me so if you could somehow give me some kind of signal..."

Almost instantly, one of the sunflowers fell on his lap. And he knew, she had given him an okay. Now came the part Fred was scared the most of: telling the Weasleys and of course telling Sirius and Remus. 

"Hey there, trouble" he said as she came back. 

"Thank you for doing this Freddie, really. It means the world. She would have loved you."

"Anything for you darling, I actually really enjoyed this. Thank you for opening up to me." he said kissing her hair. "You know, you should keep your hair ginger. It really does suit you."


Hello, filler chapter here, but I felt like writing a cute moment for the two of them, and also so you guys could see how's it going with the whole powers thingy. It'll become super important soon. 

Also, Charlie and Bill will be back soon cause they are my absolute favourite to write haha.  

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