55. Draco and Narcissa

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Bee sobered up seeing the distress in Narcissa's eyes. The woman who had saved her life years back looked nothing like what she remember, in fact she resembled Bee when she was in captivity. Draco had lost the smug smile and looked like a scared child. She noticed how the kid had been shaking non stop. 

"Come on in, sorry for the state of everyone." 

Fred sent Bee a look and she mouthed "Please trust me", to which Fred just nodded. They helped the pair onto the sofa, Bee going to grab the first aid kid. Both Narcissa and Draco had been bleeding, Draco looked like he had been beaten up. Narcissa had a busted eyebrow and a bruise forming on her cheek. 

"Okay, Lee and George, go upstairs, and sober up. Fred can you help? Or do you want to go with them?" 

"No, I can help, I'm fine." answered Fred. "You do Draco, I'll help her?" 

"Please call me Narcissa, if I hear the name Malfoy again I'm going to puke" pleaded the woman. 

"We got you two. What happened?" asked Bee as she started treating Draco's injuries. 

"Lucius he... I never really loved him. I got manipulated into a loveless marriage, but then as Draco started growing up he became more and more abusive. It wasn't a problem with alcohol or anything like that, he is evil just because he can. He'd beat us both just for fun, he'd punish Draco into inhumane ways, subject him to impossible standards... And last night... Well it was the last straw for me as a mother. He wanted Draco to join the Death Eaters." Bee and Fred looked at each other scared. "Oh god no, he didn't want to and I wasn't going to let him. I am not one of them either. We are not bad people, I swear."

"It's okay Narcissa, I trust you." Bee said calming the woman down. "What happened after." 

"He tied me into a chair, and beat up Draco. He was half an hour and made me watch as he hurt him in punishment. When he finished, he just punched me a couple times, said he couldn't be bothered and left us. So we left. We stopped by at Ollivanders for new wands and apparated here." 

"Why here?" asked Fred, angry at Lucius Malfoy. 

"Your mum and I used to be friends. I didn't have a happy home growing up either so as soon as Ane found out she would let me come here and have a couple of days with Concha and Paco. This was my first real home and I just thought of this place. When we say the light inside we guessed someone was still in there so I knocked." 

George and Lee made their way downstairs, telling the pair they would be sleeping in the bunk beds and left the other room for Draco and Narcissa to stay in. Narcissa, George and Lee made their way upstairs, Draco couldn't seem to move. He was staring at the tv, almost as if he was staring at his reflection. Fred didn't know what to do, you never really knew with Draco Malfoy. The second Bee hugged the boy, Draco broke down in sobs. 

"It's alright Draco, let it all out. We know it hurts, we won't judge you." Bee whispered touching his hair to calm him down a little. 

Fred was pretty heartbroken over the situation, and if Molly had taught him something was to help those in need. He remember something he had learned when the whole thing with Ginny and Tom Riddle happened. The girl would cry for hours so Fred learned that if you give someone a glass of water when they are crying, they will stop. So he did the same with Draco, the boy calming down instantly. 

"Can we have a look at the other bruises, Draco?" Fred asked, in a low voice. "Lee is a healer, we can help you." 

Draco nodded and Bee switched places with Lee, who saw that Draco had several broken ribs. 

"You can hide with us for as long as you need, Narcissa. I mean it. Plus I'm sure my grandparents will love to see you again." Bee said with a sweet smile. "Lee will take care of Draco's injuries, I'll make some yummy dinner because you look like you could do with a happy meal and please, rest. Let us take care of you." 

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