90. The birth

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Bee had this really weird feeling in her heart for a little while. The due date was fast approaching and the nerves were high. Fred had packed a little bag for them to apparate to St. Mungo's just in case. Bee did not want to have the kid at home, like Molly had suggested. She wanted to feel the least pain possible in the process of giving birth. 

Fred was excited as he'd ever be. He was about to become a dad, he was about to start his little family. He didn't care about if the baby was a boy or a girl, or if the kid was going to identify as anything else. They'd care for them with his arms wide open. In Fred's eyes, the kid was going to be a Gryffindor, and they'd learn from their dad to play Quidditch. Bee and him would go to the matches with Lee and George. And he swore to himself, he'd love that baby more than life itself. 

The last months of the pregnancy had been a roller coaster of feelings. They were excited, but Fred felt so incredibly guilty about the whole silent rescue. It had dawned on him that if something was going to happen to the baby and he told her then, she'd go feral. But if he told her now, she'd send her into early labor. Bee was nervous about the baby potentially being extra magical and what could that mean. 

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when the couple was on the couch watching Muggle TV,  show they had grown to love called Sherlock. And for some odd reason, call it the hormones, call it Bee had gotten a like to the bloke playing Moriarty, she decided to act on her instincts and grab Fred's face to kiss him. 

"Slow down love, you are going to get me worked up and there's still a baby in you!" 

"So what take a cold shower. I want kisses!" She pouted. 

Fred laughed and kissed her back, and it rapidly turned into a heated make out session. Fred was enjoying this a little more than he should've, but of course the bump was getting in the way. The two were laughing between kisses until Bee noticed something that made her almost go into panic. 

"Fred, Freddie" 

"Hmmm" Fred hummed against her lips. 

"My water broke." 


"My water broke, we should go to St. Mungo's, maybe?" 

"Let me send a Patronus to mum, I don't know what to do, oh shit, okay, let's stay calm, it's happening." 

Molly was there in less that 5 minutes, ready to help the couple. She decided it was a little too early to go to St. Mungo's, so they decided to write to everyone to let them know Baby Weasley was on the way. 

"Have you gotten contractions yet?" 

"I don't know how do those fee- Son of a bitch!" She screamed in pain. 

"Like that! Now we should get you to St. Mungo's, the baby is not too far now." 

Fred took her hand as they apparated to St. Mungo's. The first two hours passed and people were arriving, in fact Lee who was the healer in charge of her and the old lady who would be helping as a midwife, had put the guests in a separate waiting room so the actual room would be free. 

"Lee when is this damn thing coming off of me? Literally open me up and make it stop!" 

"Bee, my darling best friend, you need to relax or it will be more painful, okay?" 

"Don't you have a fucking potion for thi-AAAAAAAAAH" 

"Are those the contraction thingy mum said?" 

"Yeah, and they are super painful" Explained Lee. "Okay here it's what we're going to do, put her hair in a ponytail or a bun, so she doesn't get hair in her face. Take care of her." 

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