105. Uncle Draco

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Draco walked the down the Manor, looking for one thing and one thing only. His plan had gone as smooth as expected, and now he was allowed with Blaise to be at the Manor. Lucius was over the moon and Draco had taken that a sign to manipulate the man right back. So when he got to the Dungeon, he thought he was going to die on the spot. 

"Dr- Draco? I thought you were good?" Neville asked protecting baby Sirius against his chest. 

"I am, trust me with this one Neville. Is that...?"

Neville nodded, and let Sirius come into view. He had grown over the time he had been kidnapped, and now more than ever, he looked like a perfect mixture of Fred and Bee, his ginger hair and green eyes being the most prominent features on him. 

"Uncle Drago!" Baby Sirius exclaimed, making grabby hands at him. 

Fighting tears, Draco held the baby smiling at him. 

"That's right I'm uncle Draco" he said turning to Neville. "How does he...?"

"I made sure he knows everyone important in his life before my time comes." 

"Neville no one is dying, Blaise and I are here to help you get out. It might take us a little time, but you will be out. Now" He looked at baby Sirius. "Can I have a little moment with him?" 

Alicia and Neville nodded, and Draco cast a charm on the room and the two other people in the room, so he could talk to Sirius peacefully. 

"Hello there little guy, I know you can understand me, so I need you to listen to me and remember my words. I'm going to get you out of here, whatever it takes. I owe your mum my life, she is an extraordinary person, and while I'm here Neville and I will keep her memory alive." Draco gently brushed his cheeks with his finger, the baby grabbing onto it with a little giggle. "I won't let them get to you, you don't deserve that, you don't deserve what I went through. You deserve happiness and kindness, not the gold and greed they will taint you with, you are better than that. Life isn't easy, but you have the most extraordinary family one could ask for and well... Me. I'll be forever your Uncle Draco, no matter what." 

"Uncle Draco!" 

 "Exactly." Draco let out a sad chuckle as he undid the charms. "Cover your ears champ."

Sirius did so, giggling, amused by Draco's platinum blond hair and how bright it was. 

"At the count of 3, scream as if I was torturing you, okay?" 

Alicia and Neville nodded, and did as he commanded, the baby giggling and clapping at the two of them. Draco took one look at the baby before giving it back to Neville and kissing the baby's forehead. 

"I'm going to get you out of here, and I'll get you guys some food."

Draco walked back to the room where everyone but Blaise (who was keeping his promise to go back to his Luna for dinner every night), and sat down. 

"So?" Asked Bellatrix. 

"They look far too skinny." Started Draco. "You already made a statement, but you were too risky with Dimitri. Feed them, make them look healthy and their deaths accidental. That way no one will suspect it was you, maybe a fatal vacation. You can buy yourself more time." 

"He's right." Said Lucius. "Good thinking, son."

It was the first time is more than ten years that Lucius called Draco son, and he wanted to throw up then and there. But then again, he forced a smile, and picked at his food. It was awful compared to his mother's. 

"And what about the baby?"

"We won't be able to know until he is two." Lied Draco in order to save the life of the baby. "Even clever babies like him won't show if they are extra magical until they are older."

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