73. Sick

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Smut warning ;)

Bee had found herself admiring Fred in the morning more and more. The way his hair stuck in all directions, the way the morning sun would illuminate his features... It felt familiar, almost like going to see your favourite painting all over again. Either she remembered Fred or not, she for sure fancied the ginger man who lived with her, and there was no denying it. He was charming, he cared for her and lately, more than ever, he had been making sure the girl was okay. 

On that particular morning, Fred looked a little paler than usual and he had been coughing a little. Bee didn't remember this yet, but a sick Fred Weasley was the man who loved being babied the most. She silently got out of bed and onto the kitchen, making Fred some breakfast, juice, tea, fruit and pancakes. She also grabbed some medicine and placed it all in a little tray. 

"Freddie, wake up" she said shaking him softly so that he would wake up. 

"I don't feel good" he said pouting, snuggling into the pillow.

"I know darling, but I made you breakfast so you can take some medicine okay?" she said softly, running her fingers through his hair, almost combing it back. 

Bee watched Fred eat in silence as she sipped on her own tea. Fred looked far too cuddly and she was melting inside at the adorable sight. The boy ate everything and was now sipping on the juice.

"I don't want to take the medicine, it tastes bad" he pouted again. 

"But you have to, darling. You need to get healthy." 

"Will you cuddle me after?" he said with a raspy voice and hopeful eyes. 

She nodded and as Fred closed his eyes to take the medicine shot glass, he scrunched up his nose in disgust. He laid the tray on the bedroom floor and turned to Bee making grabby hands. Bee placed her mug in the nightstand and laid on the bed, Fred immediately placing his head on her chest and wrapping himself on her body. 

"Well aren't you needy today?" she laughed softly, stroking his face and hair. 

"It's only because you are my favourite nurse. Now will you pretty please tell me a story?"

"Do you want me to tell you about the Marauders back at Hogwarts?" 

"Please" he begged softly, smiling up at the woman he loved. 

"Why are we wearing the Quidditch gear again?" asked Marlene. 

"To make a quick getaway if we need to, duh" answered James Potter. 

Their plan was almost foolproof. Almost. Sirius had a dream where Albus had a green beard and they just had to see the man like that. What had started as a simple childish prank had proven to be extremely hard. The charms didn't work, the potions were useless, and now, James, Marlene, Remus, Sirius, Lilly and Peter were sneaking into Dumbledore's dorm to leave muggle dye into all of the Headmaster's beard products as a last resort. They had been planning this for a whole month and they were ready. 

They were in the professor's bathroom, which was pretty to say the least. Sirius had stolen some gel to style his hair while Remus scolded him, Peter and Lilly watched and James and Marlene were actually doing the dirty work. 

"Hurry up!" said Lilly watching the door. 

"Lills I love you but please stop rushing this, we can't spill anything!" said Marlene barely paying attention to the girl. "Moony check the map, please?" 

"He's coming!" alerted Remus trying not to scream. 

The lot hid in various places: James and Lilly underneath the bed, Wolfstar inside the closet and Peter and Marlene behind the curtains. 

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