89. Last gift

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Bring the tissues with this one.

It was month seven and Bee was ready to push the goddamn thing out of her. She was hungry and tired all the time, and with Fred still working at the shop she was bored out of her mind. There's only so many naps one can take before getting sick of it. Ever since she had woken up from the trippy cupcake dream Fred had been super weird in the mornings, and it had started to creep her out, but she didn't bother when she knew his answer to the question would be something about being paranoid. 

On a particular morning, she decided to go check some of his dad's stuff in need of something that smelled like him. Pregnancy hormones had her a little all over the place. Bee had finally met Uncle Reggie, who was staying in their house in London as per her request. It was his house too in the end. They got along surprisingly well. She was excited to meet some more family and Regulus was excited to have family at all. 

She was sorting through her dad's stuff as Regulus was in the Ministry proving he wasn't dead, something he had been procrastinating out of fear. She had grabbed a couple things for her when she noticed a box, with a letter on top addressed to her. 

"My dearest Bee.

I don't really know why am I writing this, but it is probably because when it comes to you, I don't know how to use words. Now that you are with Fred and it looks like a proper commitment (don't get me wrong, I know you two are on your seventh year but still) I have to come to terms with the fact that I'll become Grandpa Sirius.

I am excited, but I can't help but feel so proud of you. My little girl, my sunshine. A woman. Not to be dramatic or anything but I can't express just what a journey it's been seeing you grow up into the woman you are now. You are strong, you have ambition and you are ready to take on the world, and have no doubt I will be watching and cheering for you every step of the way. 

I've decided to gift you a little something (there is something for Harry too when his time comes), so that your kids know that sure, they are Weasleys, but they carry the legacy of the two coolest Blacks: you and I. You and I both know that the Black family have done some... questionable things over the years, but hey, we turned out great I reckon. 

Enjoy this little token of my love for you and the future baby(s). 

Love, dad(foot)."

Bee's eyes got a little... watery after reading the letter. Slowly she opened the box, the contents inside made her go into full on waterworks. The first item in the box was an empty scrapbook with a picture of Bee and her parents and Fred and his parents as babies, with an empty slot in the middle to put a picture of them and their babies. Next it was a little Gryffindor jumper because of course Sirius wanted it to be tradition. As she turned around she saw "Black" and a 28, like the day of her birthday. 

"Oh dad you don't do this to a pregnant woman" She whispered to herself. 

She then took the leather jackets, laughing softly while running her fingers through it. She folded them with the jumper, and then took a deep breath. This felt like Sirius' last gift for her and it was beautiful as it was painful and intimate. Her eyes darted back to the box. There was a stuffed bear Bee knew all too well. As much as she loved her baby, this was for her. It was Mr. Flowers, the teddy she held onto when her mother died. Finally, Bee found two pendants. She put the longer one, and made sure to remember to take the other one to St. Mungo's when the baby was ready to come out. 

Bee took everything to the flat, setting the things into the nursery. She felt good. Things were good. She was married to the love of her life, and they had a little baby on their way, who was healthy. She had not been poisoned again, so she had her health back and she felt like for once, she wasn't holding the way of the world in her shoulders. 

"Sickle for your thoughts?" said a voice from behind her.

"I'm just feeling lucky today." 

"Why's that darling?" 

"I don't know Freddie, things are going well and the baby will be here soon and thank god because I hate this fucking thing, I think it's called a baby bump because you bump yourself everywhere, ugh."

"I think you look rather hot, actually."

"You are just horny." 

"Maybe I just really, really love you." Fred hugged her from behind kissing her cheek. "I do have to say my milf theory is right so..." 

She turned around to slap his arm, trying not to smile. She had read about many women not feeling their best when pregnant, but Fred had made sure she felt beautiful every step of the way. He'd to her hair and make up, help her get dressed and remind her that in his eyes, she was still and forever the most beautiful girl in the world. 

"Now come on love, I have a surprise for you." 

Fred took her downstairs, where Lee and George awaited for her. They had transfigured the couch into a big big bed and the muggle TV into a projector. They did this whenever they wanted to make her feel better at Hogwarts, and Bee was glad that the tradition was finally back in their adult life. 

"Shouldn't you all be at work?" 

"We all took the rest of the day off" Lee smiled. 

"What? Why?" 

"To spend it with you of course!" Said George. "Now, for the movies, we're thinking a muggle film Alicia recommended. It's called Hocus Pocus. It's about whitchy stuff."

"Oh I'm so in!" 

They all laid in the bed, drinking soda and eating junk food while the movie played. George kept eyeing the bump, almost as if he was itching to touch it. 

"Do you want to feel the baby kick, Georgie?" Bee asked. George blushed and nodded. "Go on, talk to the baby. He will hear you and kick, it's great."

"Hello little bean" George said almost like a little kid, his face close to her bump. "I'm uncle Georgie, your godfather. I know we still have to wait a little until we meet, but I already love you so much. Uncle Lee and I will spoil you rotten, we already have a room for you in our flat so mum and dad can go on dates and give you siblings." The four of them laughed. "Jokes aside, I'm the one playing songs for you so you'll get impecable music taste, do you recognize my voice when I talk?" 

And the baby kicked, George looked at the hand placed in Bee's belly in disbelief. 

"He does recognize uncle Georgie."

"I can't believe you are actually super pregnant" said Lee. "It feels like yesterday when you kicked my ass for asking you about babies."

"And now we're going to be parents." Said Fred, looking at her as if she held the key to his happiness. 

"So when baby number 2 comes..." started George. 

"If!" said Bee.

"If it comes, are you guys moving out?"

"Probably, yeah." Said Bee. "I mean we are keeping the flat, but if there was a baby number two we are moving to Grimmauld Place. Reggie has already thrown away the screaming portrait and the only forbidden room would be my dad's." 

"We made it guys" said George stroking the bump.


Writing this had me full on sobbing, not going to lie. This might be one of my favourite chapters. Thank you for being so nice last chapter, it makes me happy knowing I can take a little break when I need  it. But still, I'm letting you know, after the births we are getting spicy for a few chapters. I'm done with uni for the year so I can take my time to write chapters properly. 

This chapter is dedicated to @Dobby12344 for being a lovely reader, thank you for your kind words <3

I hope you all have a great day, afternoon or night, whenever you read this. You are loved and cared for! Go drink some water and stretch! Unclench that jaw, bestie. 

-Berts <3

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