118. New faces

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Bee was chilling in the sofa waiting for Fred, George and Lee to get back to the flat with beer (the kind with no booze for her) to have a proper karaoke night when the door rang. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon and the boys had decided muggle beer was the way to go.


In front of her as she opened the door was probably one of the hottest man she'd ever seen (never prettier than Fred, though). He had a dashing smile that only got bigger as he saw her.

"Hi, sorry. I'm Mateo, I just moved down the road, this is the first house in a while."

"You have a nice accent!" Bee managed to say feeling a little uneasy at the way the man was looking at her. "I'm guessing Italian?"

"Smart girl." He smirked.

"That and the fact that my mum is Spanish so that was the other option."

"And your name is...?"

"Bee, Bee Weasley."

"That's a beautiful name, Bee." He winked as he took her hand to kiss it.

Bee could feel the heat rise to her cheeks. She took a moment to really see him. He was tall and muscular, but not too much. He had blue eyes and brown hair that he had slick back with a single strand of hair resting in his forehead. He had an accent when he spoke and to her, it felt familiar. It was nice to finally here another accent near her.

"Oh how rude of me! Would you like to come in for some coffee?"

"Coffee? I thought you brits liked tea better."

She already liked him. She was challenging her, but he agreed to go in for some coffee. Her cup was a lot smaller than his, given the fact that she was still pregnant with the twins, but Fred's charm had been a blessing.

"And who is the little bambino on the picture?"

"That's my son, Sirius."

"Is he here?"

"He is with his uncle Charlie who is probably spoiling him rotten. I swear that man loves the kid more than life itself." Bee giggled, pouring the cups.

"Ah so you have brothers?"

"Sort of. I have a younger brother from another mother, Harry. But Charlie is from my husband's side of the family. Sirius has many, many uncles."

"Husband huh? You are too pretty to be married already."

"Well he was my first and only love. We fell in love 10 years ago, and well, it was just meant to be you know? Him and I against the world. We grew up into the adults we are now by each other sides, we've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. We are each other's person. He is my soulmate, my twin flame."

This caught Mateo off guard. Jessica had failed to tell him that she was a mother and the way she spoke about Fred, the way her whole face lit up, it was a little more complicated now. 

See, the plan was easy, they'd seduce the both of them, break them up and then break their hearts again. Jessica had developed this obscure obssesion with the Weasleys. First it was just vendetta against Bee, but then something in Fred woke something inside of her.

So of course when she had the whole thing planned, she knew exactly who to call. Mateo owed her, and he wasn't bothered with the plan at first. The two of them moved into the cottages down the road from the new Weasley household. Jessica had spent hours watching them before making the first move on Fred. So the second she heard them screaming, she knew the ginger man would go get drunk.

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